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2 years ago

It depends.

In general, I would prefer a good place to a good one in the distance.

But what has to be, and if there is no dentist or pine hurricane in the kaff, you just drive as far as you have to drive. Ignoring topics and problems does not solve them and move around to have a dentist close to me I would be too extreme. As a child we had the dentist in the Kaff and for the Spange we had to go about 20 km to the next city.

2 years ago

Since I have a very good one here in the corner, there is no reason to drive. However, I have already accepted other ways to other doctors.

2 years ago

We have so many dentists here in the area who are already begging with letters that you make an appointment again or they call if you don’t want a dental cleaning appointment.

2 years ago

Depends on what. For a complicated op, I would go much further than for a chip where you have to go for years.

2 years ago

Had to drive to a dentist in January ≅60km because I had lost my crown.

2 years ago
Reply to  knattermann

I’m a soldier and as long as it’s not an emergency, I have to go to the next doctor.

Since I was on holiday with my parents, I had to drive to the next barracks, which is about 60km away.

2 years ago

Depends on what needs to be done. If that’s a big deal, I’d take the best in Germany. In between, the dentist can also make the seal on site.

2 years ago

30-50 already.

2 years ago

I’ll go to my dentist’s 150 km or something. Because I’m friends with him, and so I know I get excellent performance.

2 years ago

Very far if nobody’s close and I’ve got toothaches.

2 years ago

Since I trust my dentist, I would also drive all over Germany. I changed my dentist because of 20 km, but I felt uncomfortable right there and therefore I prefer to drive the 20 km.