Wie weit schaffe ich es mit ihr?
Wie weit kann ich mit einer Aprilia sx 50 mit einem 14er statt einem 11er Ritzel fahren? Wieviele KM schaffe ich? Danke
Wie weit kann ich mit einer Aprilia sx 50 mit einem 14er statt einem 11er Ritzel fahren? Wieviele KM schaffe ich? Danke
Oder ist es egal wenn etwas Wasser ins Schlüsselloch kommt ?
Und zwar möchte sich jemand bei einer App registrieren um in Amsterdam E-Scooter fahren zu können die mit erwähnter App freischaltbar sind. Um sich zu Registrieren braucht er aber sowohl meinen Personalausweis als auch meinen Führerschein für die Identität kontrolle. Natürlich heißt es “Da passiert nichts”. Aber wenn doch was wären dann die folgen für…
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Ich habe eine KTM Ponny (50ccm) und möchte, dass sie schneller geht und besser beschleunigt. Meine Frage ist wie ich sie am besten ,,tunen“ kann. Meine Überlegung wäre. 70ccm.
Hallo ihr Lieben 🙂 und zwar bin ich mit meinen Freund über das Osterwochenende am Timmendorfer Strand und wir haben vor, mit dem Zug nach Lübeck zu fahren. Jetzt ist meine Frage, ob man vom HBF schnell zur Innenstadt kommt oder wir besser mit dem Auto fahren sollten.. Vielleicht kommt ja jemand aus der Nähe…
This depends on the power surplus at the end speed by electronic control. However, the speedometer will probably have to be adjusted accordingly, otherwise it will display the speed of about 3/11 (i.e. about 27.3%) too low.
A larger chain drive pinion brings more end speed, but reduces the acceleration if the rear wheel pinion is not likewise increased.
(In my Simson S51, after the installation of the Vape ignition, I changed primary pinion and clutch basket from a translation 20:65 to 21:62, as I have already been in the 3rd since the new ignition. Gang reached the full speed and, due to the limited power, could only use the 4 as a stop. Due to the changed ratio, I have less speed in the gears 1 to 3, but due to the better acceleration and power at the drive more final speed in the 4th. Gang, and even though the tacho still displays the correct speed.)
Sorry, I misunderstood you. In theory, you come to me about 14/11 times as much as with the 11th chain drive pinion. Nevertheless, all the first two paragraphs of my answer apply.
In the case of gearshifting vehicles, you must also have the translational part of the counter, or in the case of scooters with CVT drive that of the rear-mounted in the invoice with regard to the crankshaft speed N .
According to Google, the Aprilia SX 50 needs about 3.46 l Super/100 km, so it has a maximum tank range of about 202 km. With the 14er chain pinion, a consumption of ideally 2.72 l/100 km would be possible, and thus a maximum tank range of 257 km.
This depends on how to understand the question:
A little further than the 11 pinion. Knowing all gear/translation parameters, you could calculate what influence the 3 teeth could have in the highest gear in the chain pinion.
Depends on the tank size.
There are 7 liters
At 2 liters consumption about 350km.
Of course not. I lack the crystal ball 🔮
Sure that there are 2 liters of consumption? 🙂 this afternoon would drive around about 100 KM with a friend.
Take money to refuel with and ready
Go bad if you want to go where the next town is 60 KM far away
Since when are there only in cities gas stations?
Many villages also have gas stations.
AT was not the other EU – Member State like HU from the infrastructure, or
He comes from AT, but I think it will be similar to the amount of gas stations.
In addition, within DE with its population density… there are max. 15 to 20 KM between larger settlements with tanks.
Was there not also such a stuff as “Internet” for modern route planning?