Wie weit responsive Designen?
Hallo. Ich programmiere derzeit mir eine Webseite und frage mich, bis zu welchen Pixeln ich responsive Designen soll.
Es macht ja kein Sinn alles bis 70×70 Pixel zu designen. Also, bis zu welcher Größe in Pixel programmiert ihr?
To date, I only understand myself at the edge, since our customers have not yet been able to use mobile devices.
In principle, however, I would also like to proceed with responsive design in such a way that pixels play no role at all. This is also recommended in a well-known guide:
The term “pixels” in the software today does not even refer to the actual hardware pixels, but rather to a computer size detached from them.
The authors at SELFHTML consistently recommend to dimension the layout with em instead of px, also because it makes sense to change the font size set on the browser.
https://wiki.selfhtml.org/wiki/CSS/Tutorials/Flexbox/multi-column layout
Ask your client. If you do this for yourself, see which target group you have.
I’m looking at the latest mobile device user numbers and developing this way that I can take a large part.