Wie weit kommt man mit Spanisch in Kalifornien?

Nächstes Jahr möchte ich mit meiner Freundin für 1-2 Wochen nach Kalifornien. Meine Freundin hat das Problem weniger, aber ich für meinen Teil tue mir schwer mit Englisch sprechen. Ich verstehe sehr viel, aber sprechen tue ich mir schwer. Hingegen kann ich aber Spanisch flüssig reden und perfekt verstehen.

Kommt man mit Spanisch in Kalifornien auch gut durch?

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1 year ago

You can’t brew English at all in California if you can Spanish. California is bilingual. I would even say it is more detrimental there if you can’t Spanish. Many Hispanics do not make any efforts to learn English.

Example: I was in a McDonalds in L.A. There a number was assigned and called. The number call was only made in Spanish.

1 year ago

You could practice a little English in one year. For normal conversation in the restaurant or supermarket it will be enough. I have always considered my English to be not good, but in the three weeks USA came to perfection. Some can even be German.

Whether you go on with Spanish, no one can tell you now and here.

1 year ago

English. But have official documents also in Chinese, Korean, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese

They can almost all English in div grades. Many come to work during the day and return to Mexico in the evening. Even a lot of party transit, shopping and trading in both directions

There is also a minority. What you hear here are information about gangs like Mexical Mafia, MS13 etc. Cali/USA has zig div gangs, so not many.

Btw kitchen authentic. Hot is really hot. Preliminary note 🙂

1 year ago

When you’re flying next year, you have enough time to learn to talk. No, the Americans usually don’t use any other languages, understandably, the “english is international” .

1 year ago

No, not really, except in certain neighborhoods/countries.
About a quarter of the population speak Spanish, but of course they are not evenly distributed. The typical Touri hotspots are much less.

1 year ago

According to unconfirmed reports, even better than with English

1 year ago
Reply to  Hafnafir

Unconfirmed because wrong…