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4 years ago

It’s hard to say. Depends on many things, especially the current speed, wind direction, load etc.

I read in a pilot forum that ne 747 has a number of 18 or smaller.

This means, at 10km altitude, about 180km of sliding track.

4 years ago

I guess there’s a gliding number of about 15.

This is compared with modern sailplanes which reach a number of glides of over 60 not much.

The gliding number indicates how many meters you can travel with a meter of altitude loss. So in this case 15 meters while you drop 1 meter.

4 years ago

Coming to the air, exact height, wind, loading and many more things

4 years ago

Quote Wikipedia:

“A 747 has an approximate gliding number of 15. This means that for a kilometre of flight altitude loss, it can travel 15 km in a glide flight.”

PS: Did 10sec cost me Google, what do you learn today at school in media literacy?

4 years ago
Reply to  flauski

first to ask in the whatsapp group, because one has no pilots or only pupils, one writes first at telegram in drr schwurbler group. for which you can read various theories that say the boing 747 does not fly at all, but the earth is only pulled by under the plane, you ask at the end and hope that you get a note that you could have looked for yourself and then you just want to lift and answer the finger, then it rings to the pause and you realize that you are home and have just received digital lessons without ever having media. ;

4 years ago
Reply to  Patriot12397

You don’t learn how to get information at school?

And if you learn it, then you forget it again because this skill is completely useless for life?

Wow. It’s no wonder that so many people believe all 100% to the first-best deceased chatter.

4 years ago

I have a rough hair loss and a baldness at least doesn’t look like the last rests.

4 years ago

To have a bald one, neither. I used to have very nice hair.

4 years ago

Why is the term “childish” an insult if she just mentions a fact? I’m not insulted when someone calls me a bald head. I’ll pull the razor over my skull every two days.