Wie weit ist der Bremsweg eines solchen Zuges von 100 km/h bei einer Notbremsung?


Der Lokführer hat den abgebildeten Zug auf insgesamt 100 km/h beschleunigt. Aus irgendeinem Grund muss er sofort eine Notbremsung einleiten. Der Lokführer legt den Bremshebel auf 100%. Wie weit ist der Bremsweg?

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4 years ago

Most trains have magnetic rail brakes. These are strong electromagnets that press one disc onto the rails. Causes a lot of wear but stop the train relatively fast. They are only used in emergency braking.

To call a more accurate number, I think 150-200m for such a stretch. I think 300 is the maximum.

found a calculator: https://bahntechnik-bahnbetrieb.de/verzoegercomputer/ Got a few numbers, came out 250m.

4 years ago
Reply to  jort93

Magnetic disc brakes

? Do you mean magnetic rail brakes? They have elongated shoes, keien pane….

4 years ago

Well, long but flat. Well, I’d call it a disc. Hold a flat disc which makes direct contact with the rails. Don’t hold around like a ripe one.

Rails, yes, not disc. Described me was the auto correction on the smartphone.

3 years ago

With your information impossible to solve.