Wie weiss ich meinen Kalorienüberschuss/bedarf?
Hallo 👋
ich bin 13 Jahre alt (bald 14) und ca.160 gross, und wiege ca. 41kg und muss zunehmen (wegen einer Essstörung). Aber ich möchte gesund zunehmen aber weiss meinen bedarf nicht genau und meinen Überschuss nicht 🤷♀️. Ich habe schon mit einer Ernährungsberatung gesprochen die mir 1900kcal empfohlen hat aber auch mit meiner Therapeutin die mir auch etwas anderes empfohlen hat. Im Internet stehen verschiedene Angaben oft 1800-2200kcal (Gewicht halten oder 200g pro Woche zunehmen) aber auch 1700-1900 um 500g pro Woche zuzunehmen (was für mich etwas zu schnell ist) also wollte ich fragen ob sich da jemand auskennt und mir dort bisschen weiter helfen könnte.
All information is rich, because this is not an accurate science. The formulas that are often used here are more than 100 years old and are based on average values.
The 1900 kcal from nutritional advice are the average of the other numbers and sound plausible. I’d start with that first. An adjustment after a few weeks can still be done.
whether the formulas are really over 100 years old, I am skeptical, then you didn’t think as today, then there was no food in abundance as today
you can read yourself. The work was published in 1919. The formula is named after the scientists who invented it. Benedict and Harris.
This is also not about the amount of food, but how to calculate the energy requirement in the body or the metabolism expressed in numbers.
people still had other worries than today
And so there was no science that researched or invented things? Strange logic.
As I mentioned above, the formula is over 100 years old.
at the time they had guaranteed other worries,
Ever heard of paper and pen? Was the hot ice cream…
In 1919 there was no internet, whether there was radio?
What Daniel said.
Concrete: You take Take one of the values, eat accordingly and test your weight (every day at the same time – best morning, naked, after the toilet). Your daily weight comes into a table and after a week you will see what you weighed on average (all day weights added, divided by 7). If you have increased, good! If you have increased a lot – eat less.
Of course, this only works if you didn’t do a lot of sports or walks or bike tours in a week and no one in the next. The course of the week must be about the same.
Hello try out with 1800 calories and look what happens, then you can still increase
You can only roughly estimate your needs and not calculate them exactly. Deshlab says everyone else and every computer or app brings another result.
You should eat healthy and high-calorie. Nuts, seeds, kernels, fat fish and cheese, healthy oils, whole grains, noodles, potatoes. And of which ample 🙂