Wie weiße stelle auf Hose entfernen?
hallo zusammen bin in der sporthalle auf diesen saft boden gefallen und dabei hat meine hose den Boden gerieben und jetzt ist da so eine weiß stelle auf meiner schwarzen hose. Gibt es irgeine möglichkeit diese zu entfernen oder wieder auf ewig schwarz zu färben?
danke an alle
What material does the pants consist of? If it’s artificial fibers, no chance. I suspect that it is not a stain, but that the material is damaged by abrasion. You can’t undo that.
is a sport jogging pants
Look in the label what’s in there. There are sportsjogging pants made of synthetic fibers and sportjogging pants made of mixed fabric and sportjogging pants made of viscose and cotton. Then I can answer you. Not like that.
Okay, because the surface is not maximally rubbed off and you already see the fibers but the pants are relatively new and very annoying by such an accident. I try this and much thanks for the quick answer!
It takes color. You can try to paint it again with black textile paint (drogerie)! It’s in the washing machine.
Again: 70% cotton and 30% viscose*. Was in school, sorry I didn’t write and replied!
Hello, this is cotton. Art fibers are what jerseys are, aren’t they?
With synthetic fibres impossible. He doesn’t write what the pants are.