Wie Wattangabe auf Geräten lesen?
Auf Geräten steht ja meistens eine Angabe in Watt. Ist die Angabe dann in Stunde oder was soll mir das sagen wenn da steht z.B. 500 watt
Auf Geräten steht ja meistens eine Angabe in Watt. Ist die Angabe dann in Stunde oder was soll mir das sagen wenn da steht z.B. 500 watt
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Die Spannung U2, am Widerstand R2, soll jetzt 7,05V betragen. Berechnen Sie einen neuen Wert für R2
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Hallo, kann mir bitte jemand den Löseweg/Rechenweg erklären, wie sich hier die Spannung und der Strom aufteilt, sowie auch die einzelne Werte an den Wiederständen sind gesucht. Auf youtube finde ich dazu nichts.
This means that the thing draws a current of about 2.17 amperes at a voltage of 230 volts.
In two hours, the counter is then continued by one kWh.
A power of 500 watt means that 500 watt hours of energy are consumed (or delivered) in one hour
The indication is the power = joule per second
That’s a performance, like PS at the car.
The electrical power input always has a reference at the time, so you can multiply it with time to determine the energy claimed.
The power P is generated by the existing voltage U and the flowing current I, while the current is nothing but charges Q per unit time t.
With low voltage, more charges per unit of time must therefore be moved in order to provide the same power as those at high voltage.
500 Watt is then the measure of this performance. How often per unit of time you claim this ability by multiplying it with the stress period. The higher the duration, the higher the claimed energy, since the more charges were moved in total.
https://www.fieberitz.de/beratung/glossar/detail/term/performance recording
No, per second.
Are you kidding me?
it is 500 watts per second or 1.8 megawatts per hour.
At full load.
Watch out, small m stands for milli. Here are Megajoule (MJ).
but 1.8mj
500*3600 is not 1.8.
you could have thought
Would you explain your path?
There are 1.8j per hour
That’s wrong. Performance is independent of time.
No. 500 Watt (500 W) is a power input, i.e. energy per unit time. If you want to calculate the consumption (energy) and thus the costs, you need to
multiply the power P with the time “t”. So, if your device has 500 W power consumption for, for example, 2 hours, then it consumes an energy of 500 W · 2h = 1000 Wh = 1 kWh (and used kilowatt hours are then on your electricity bill).
The rated power of a device indicates which power it produces in rated mode. This power is already recorded from the first second of the operation.
Performance is defined as work per unit of time. If the ratio of work to time remains constant, the power remains constant over time as long as the device is switched on.
The converted energy can be calculated by multiplying the power with the operating time of the device. This gives the amount of energy in units such as joule, Newtonmeter or Watthours (Wh). The “k” before indicates that the number is increased by a ten deposit.
= 10^3
10kWh = 10*10^3Wh = 10000Wh
Is in hours, so it should be at least!
The performance has no temporary reference, so it is not related to hours, minutes or seconds.
Are you kidding me?
How much PS does your car have per hour?
Watt is the power without time reference.
By multiplying the power by time (the duration of the device being operated), this results in the amount of energy (wattseconds, watt hours, kilowatt hours, etc.)
So if your device takes up the 500 W (Watt) = 0.5 kW (Kilowatt) power and you drive the device for 1 hour, you will consume 0.5 kWh (which you will have more on your current meter).
Operating throughout the day is then 0.5 kW * 24 h = 12 kWh
No watt hours and watt is a completely different unit.
The 500W is simply the electrical connection power.
The energy consumption at full load would then be just 500Wh/h, i.e. at a runtime of one hour your device will consume 500Wh = 0.5kWh. For a transit time of 2 h equal 1000Wh = 1kWh etc.
Watt has nothing to do with the time. This is the instantaneous power resulting from the magnitude of the voltage and the magnitude of the flowing current. If a device with 500 watts is switched on for 1 h, then it means 0.5 kW is consumed, although this is the reversed expression. It would be right to convert 0.5 kW into another energy form.
Watt (W) is a measure of power. Power = energy per unit time. The energy is commonly measured in Joule (J) = Wattsekunde (Ws) or also in Kilowatt hour (kWh).
If the rated power of the device with “500 Watt” and this performance was recorded over one hour (h), then 500 watt hours (Wh) were consumed = 0,5 kilowatt hours (kWh).