Wie wäscht man einen Rot/weißen Pulli?
wie wäscht man eigentlich einen 100% Cotton Pulli, der Rot und Weiß ist richtig?
Rosa wurde er bisher noch nicht, aber die Flecken gehen halt nicht raus…
Kommt da Voll oder Colorwaschmittel rein? Und darf man das mit anderen Sachen waschen oder muss der alleine gewaschen werden? Und bestimmt nicht zu warm richtig?
It’s difficult! Pretreat stains, color detergent and max. 40 degrees. I would try this in the sink by hand and always see if it starts to bleed out.
Yeah, when I made the faucet warm a little red color came out. 😭
The white has remained horny fortunately but hope the red color remains preserved. 😰
This is the normal color surplus. It’s important if your spots have gone out 🙂
Yes it was carefully scrubbed and softened by hand, then it went away
completely washable because the pale
I would wake him up with color detergent at a maximum of 30 degrees and use color-catching cloths.
Quotation: “The colour and dirt traps of thinkers with fibers from renewable raw materials reliably absorb dissolved dyes during the washing process before they can deposit on other items of laundry. Thus, they effectively prevent discoloration, unwanted color transfer and graying – especially in garments with white content.”