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Erkennt jemand diese Burg?
Hallo liebe Community. Ich würde gerne wissen, um welche Burg (oder evtl. Schloss, Hofgut…) es sich bei den folgenden Bildern handelt. Man kann diese Burg wohl für verschiedene Anlässe mieten. Mehr Infos/Bilder habe ich leider nicht, aber vielleicht gibt es hier jemanden, der diese erkennt oder sich auf dem Gebiet auskennt. Ich habe bereits ein…
Könnte mir jemand helfen?
Es geht um den ersten Weltkrieg b)Die beiden Historiker benutzen zwei Ausdrücke:„am Frieden verzweifeln” und „Bedrohungsangst und Aggressionslust”. Erläutere mithilfe von M2.
Geschichte Europa?
Was sagt dieser Text aus? Habe ihn gelesen aber dann daraus keine Aussage ziehen…
Well, that with “unsinkable” was rather skillful marketing. People could hardly imagine his mighty colossus would just fall. In addition, there were waterproof bulkheads which was not standard.
But it’s important to me to complain, at the time they weren’t stupid. Of course, engineers, etc., or generally everyone with some expertise knew that the ship, like any other, also, naturally sink can. Only it was considered extremely unlikely.
This “unsinkable” was not a physical-technical statement but a marketing statement. Of course, at the time, they knew that she was not really “ussinkable”.
She was considered particularly safe.
The double hulls also had other ships, but they were quite excellent at the Titanic.
Also use nix.
Double hull? Titanic? Where’s that written?
The chambers.
This is also called a double hull
The chambers, say Scots, are not a double hull. On the contrary. The Titanic had no double hull and the bulkheads only reached the E Deck or F Deck. The water eventually ran over the gravel.
Because of the bulkheads and segments. No one had expected that so many segments could be damaged that water could flow into all chambers above.
“The Titanic was made of iron! I assure you she can and she will! This is a mathematical certainty!”
– designer Thomas Andrews
The hull of the Titanic was built from many individual chambers. Even if you had a hole, only one single chamber would have been full and you could still have gone further.
Unfortunately, the iceberg slit the entire hull.
LG. Oli
She was very stable. A frontal collision with the iceberg would have prevailed.
This was sold to the public at the time, although professionals knew very well that Titanic could also sink, although they thought it was unlikely.
Similarly, it is with the nuclear power that the nuclear lobby wants to make us believe it is safe. Professionals know very well that a pal is never to be ruled out, no matter what you are constructing and asserting.
They just believed what they were told.
It’s still like this today – “Rente is safe too.” You’ve never been informed about the height.
Because there was no such thing
They thought she was very safe.
What do you mean “safe”? That was marketing. Great commercial with many superlatives. That’s all.