Wie wäre es (grammatikalisch) richtig?
1.) Sie hoffte, dass es ihm momentan gutging.
2.) Sie hoffte, dass es ihm momentan gutgehen *würde*.
Ich bin mir wirklich unsicher.
1.) Sie hoffte, dass es ihm momentan gutging.
2.) Sie hoffte, dass es ihm momentan gutgehen *würde*.
Ich bin mir wirklich unsicher.
Welche Webseiten schreibt ihr oft falsch? Z.b. Anstatt Gmail.com schreibt man gail.com Gebt gerne so viele Beispiele wie möglich. 😉
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First. Even in this case, however, the formulation is extremely unhappy, which is due to the word “momentan” that you are going into a sentence in preteriority. (The second possibility would only make sense if something else, for example a conditional sentence, would join.)
lg up
Well, what does she think or say in that moment?
This “moment” has to go. This is not only stylistically clumsy, but also superfluous in terms of content, because the choice of the form of time is quite clear in all sentences that it is at the same time.
Why not: “She hoped it was good for him we have.” ?
The possibility should be in the same time…
– She was hoping that he was fine.
– She hoped he’d be fine.
– She hoped he’d be fine.
While the introductory sentence can always be in any desired tempus, the time form in the ancillary depends on whether the action expressed therein is premature, simultaneous or recurrent.
In the case of pre-termity, you use the conjunctive I Perfect in the ancillary sentence, while at the same time the conjunctive I Presens and in the case of post-termity the conjunctive I Futur.
Greetings! 😊