Wie war das damals im Dezember 2021 mit der dritten Impfung, wurde gesagt, dass man fertig ist oder war die auch auf 9 Monate limitiert von der Gültigkeit?
Und wie wird das bei der 4. Impfung sein?
Was wurd bei der 3. Impfung damals propagiert?
“Ihr seid nun fertig” oder “Ihr seid möglicherweise fertig, wir schaune was die Forschung sagt”
oder war von vornherein offiziell klar “Die 3. Impfung ist nur 9 Monate gültig”, wurde das offiziell so propagiert?
It has never been said that after the third vaccination you are ready. You must have understood something wrong. It was merely said that the Booster vaccination increased protection.
Since the virus constantly mutates, it is clear that, just as in flu vaccination, regular refresh vaccinations are highly likely to be necessary.
Jooo, so I didn’t let myself intrude and feel confirmed. I don’t know any vaccination that really got more serious. On the contrary, I only know vaccinations that have been severely flattened or damaged.
Conclusion: You can only be happy if you didn’t let yourself intrude with the garbage, I don’t regret it for a second.
Whatever you mean. I’m not talking to gay people.
Whatever you mean…
And I do not discuss with consulting-resistant people who suffer from cognitive dissonance.
Everything is on hand, all scientifically proven, there are facts that no one can deny.
But stay in your bubble. The vaccination is scrap, we have all the facts today.
If you call the villain, do that. If truth is false for you, then I am GERNE SCHWURBLER 🙂
Better than consulting-resistant sharpness, consulting-resistant NPC 😀
But you think you and your fellow human beings do something good with the C vaccination… Shock vaccination, isn’t it?:D Solidarity with others show xD Exactly …. Sleep on! The facts speak a clear language.
It was accepted and also communicated in such a way that it will run normally similar to influenza vaccination, with a regular refreshment. It was only unclear whether it should be done annually or every 2 years or another interval.
How do you think vaccinations have been valid or have?
And what is your question? On the medical or legal side?
Only 9 months were considered vaccinated for G status.
No, that’s wrong. The 9 months were only related to European air traffic. With two vaccinations, one was considered completely vaccinated within Germany until 30.09.22, no matter how much time had passed since the vaccinations.
OK, I come from NRW, but study in Austria. In Austria, only until a maximum of 6 months after the vaccination was considered to be vaccinated at the G status … But the Ösi politicians have had more one on the cat than the German ones… They have passed the vaccination law, which was then suspended again. Such idiots…
It’s big asses and insecurity with vaccination. It’s only two, four of them every two months. So I said no to the fabric from the beginning.
Yeah, didn’t let me intrude, and I’m glad. If the scrap with the masks starts again: From now on, I won’t get into the Öffis or in the supermarket mask. Because I was disassembled with Dr. Stefan Lanka, who, of course, is diffamkered by the mainstream, but he could still be falsified NIE: There is still no evidence of the existence of viruses. They can’t imagine that, but it’s a fact. AIDS, etc., everything can be explained to other viruses, it has never been a proof of virus existence.
And let’s wait till 2025 for everything to happen. It could come to a world war and happen a lot more. The vaccination will have many consequences for humanity, I think…
It has always been clear that after the third booster is not closed. Also so communicated :))))
Sure? So that 1st and 2nd vaccination in D was limited to 9 months and in Östereich even to only 6 months, I know that was at the 3rd. Vaccination really the same? Official?
It has never been said that after vaccination 3 is final and pointed out that the protection will expire again and that, after the booster, a refreshment vaccination may also be necessary :)))))
It was clear to everyone that this is like in the flu vaccination…
Apparently not everyone 😀