Wie war das bei euch mit der zweiten Periode?
Hi ich weiß das es bereits mehrere Fragen und Antworten dazu gibt aber irgendwie ist das nie so die Frage wie ich sie habe. Ich bin 13 und habe im Dezember meine erste Periode bekommen habe sie jetzt so ca 4,5 Wochen später wieder bekommen. Ich wollte Fragen wie viele Binden ihr am Tag so ca. in welchen Abständen verbraucht und wie stark eure erste/zweite Periode war oder es euch viel vorgekommen ist weil ich mich manchmal ganz schön erschrecke😅🥲
danke schonmal im voraus
My second period I had in December 2023, I have to think about it. I have had a normally strong Peruode directly and it also came relatively regularly (i.e. monthly, between 21 and 26 days after the previous, which was in the beginning so).
I used 4-5 bandages, at a distance of about 4-6 hours.
I’ve been really scared too, but it’s really not. On average you lose 40-60ml blood, that’s not so much, it looks just so much.
From my second period, I also had really bad pain, but I would like to say that everyone is different and not everyone has such pain. Not that you’re getting scared now.
I hope I could help you with my answer and if you have any questions, you can write me at any time, I’m just a little bit older than you (13 years and 10 months and have my period for over a year).
Greetings and a nice evening,
Reader’s share
It is normal to change the bandage every 4-6 hours. On strong days, she may be full after 2 hours.
In general, it can be said that on average 3-5 bandages are required in one day. Sometimes 6-8 depending on how strong your bleeding is this day.
If the bandage is full every hour then the bleeding is too strong and you should go to the gynecologist.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
The first? I came out with 5 to 10 bands.
But later (about half a year) I changed to Tampons. Sport with bandages is super-ecley in my opinion.
Compared to later, it was a pellet!
Consumption or how many times you have to change is different for each