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There are various types of batteries and fuel cells that allow direct conversion of chemical to electrical energy. A battery uses an electrochemical reaction between an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent to generate electrical energy. By contrast, a fuel cell uses the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to generate electrical energy. Both technologies are used in many applications, such as electric vehicles, mobile devices and stationary energy stores.
There are also indirect conversion processes from chemical to electrical energy. One example of this is thermoelectric generators which convert heat energy into electrical energy. In a thermoelectric generator, a temperature difference between two materials is utilized in order to generate an electrical voltage. This effect is called Seebeck effect and is based on the fact that electrons move differently in different materials at different temperatures.
Another example of an indirect conversion method is the use of fuels in gas turbines. Here, the chemical energy of the fuel is first converted into thermal energy by burning the fuel-air mixture in the gas turbine. The resulting heat is then used to heat and expand air, as a result of which a turbine is driven, which in turn drives a generator which generates electrical energy.
In chemical reactions, we know those who give energy and those who need energy. If the starting materials are more energy-rich than the products, energy is emitted and the reaction is generally carried out independently. Conversely, energy must be supplied so that the reaction takes place.
In batteries, redox reactions usually occur, i.e. one substance emits electrons (is oxidized) and another substance takes electrons (is reduced). Instead of these electrons being transmitted directly, the electrons are allowed to flow through a conductor and a consumer.
If the battery is empty (the energy-supplying reaction is completed), the process (in the case of rechargeable batteries) is reversed, i.e. energy is supplied (charge battery) and the electrons flow back to the starting material in the reverse reaction.
In addition, in the combustion of oil, gas and coal (heat power plant), chemical energy is also released in the form of heat which can be used for steam generation and operation of turbines and generators.