Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass ich in Asien entführt werde?

Ich möchte nach Asien alleine fliegen und reisen, jedoch hat meine Mutter Angst, dass ich dort entführt werde.

Ich bin ein Mann und schon über 18 Jahre alt.

Sie redet von Organhandel und Menschenhandel und sowas, um mir Angst zu machen.

Sollte ich mir Sorgen machen?

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8 months ago

You should inform yourself about any travel advice and security tips about the respective countries on the respective websites.

Basically, in China, for example, security has improved by a multiple compared to about 15 years ago. Thanks to the many cameras, crime has fallen sharply and thieves are much less.

A safety risk would generally be more likely in party locations such as discotheques or bars etc. There you should always watch more and more. However, this applies to each country. I would rather classify Thailand most dangerously from your countries. But only from the feeling, because there are really many tourists and people who use them.

8 months ago

In China one should not underestimate the local organ trade, but as a tourist one has to worry very few. Just stick to the usual security rules (stay in busy areas and don’t get drunk by side lanes at 3:00 a.m.) and then that’s not a topic

(in addition, “Westler organ” can be sold worse because statistically different blood groups are most common in China. You’d rather go to locals instead of getting a potential zero number)

8 months ago
Reply to  Blablablaaaaah

I would not present this as if there were someone waiting for you at every corner;) Do you think you don’t have to see this as a relevant risk – just be aware that there’s something like this, look that you don’t go with funny people or let you fill (so happens most often) and, as I said, stay in the areas where good what’s going on.

8 months ago
Reply to  Isuzu189

“In China we should not underestimate the local organ trade”

This is as good as a total nonsense, but unfortunately you are another victim of the propaganda of Western media, I must say.

Otherwise you have the right.

8 months ago

This is probably very unlikely. The danger is much greater when they kidnap a tourist than when they kidnap a local. If they’ll take your money and your watch off, or they’ll call for ransom. But this also happens hardly more frequently in China and Japan than in Germany.

8 months ago

Of course, everything can be done. A young person alone in the Orient is always at risk.

Asia is big. Is a difference whether you are in Afghanistan or in Israel.

8 months ago

Very low. Come on!

8 months ago
Reply to  Blablablaaaaah

So, Pakistan or Afghanistan I would avoid.

8 months ago

The risk of you being killed in road traffic in Germany is definitely a multiple higher.

Even the journey to the airport would mean an enormous risk. Stay better at house 😉

8 months ago

Oh dear…. it depends on whether you make backpacking in the Afghan jungle or drive to tourist areas with normal hotels. She seems to have a very strange picture of Asia.

Do what you mean, you’re an adult.

8 months ago
Reply to  Blablablaaaaah

Well, if she comes from China, she also knows the horror stories right on site. My girlfriend had written her master thesis about the topic that her sources “knows every person who knows what happened to someone” – but it was even more common on the street a decade ago…today this happens in the medical setting under general anaesthesia (“naja the kidney had to leave, was no longer ok where we were in her abdomen”) or in prison (where hopefully you will not land on your trip)