Wie wahrscheinlich ist es dass einfach so ein Brief verloren geht?


habe die Tage ein wichtigen Brief verschickt und da im Moment ja Streik herrscht bei der Post, kommt bei mir oft der Gedanke auf, hoffentlich kommt er noch an und nicht dass er einfach verloren geht. Wie wahrscheinlich ist es denn dass ein Brief einfach so verloren geht und nie ankommt?


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2 years ago

In 2021, 14,216,000.000 letters were delivered. Well, half of it’s advertising.

However, if this number is divided into the number of working days (total days included), then this was 255 in it, so in 2021 in Germany, approximately 56 million letters were delivered in a dozen times.

the Qoute for proper delivery is 99.99% included are badly addressed letters, but also letters that arrived, but not properly, i.e. killed, dirty, instead of in the mailbox e.g. on the floor or in the newspaper roll etc.

It can therefore be assumed that about 5,600 letters are not delivered properly daily.

So if you now assume that you have properly franked the letter, according to its importance, and the address is registered readably, etc., then it will also arrive with probability-limiting security. Don’t worry.

Lg, Anna

2 years ago
Reply to  Peppie85

Hello, many thanks for the touching answer. Yes, everything was normal and correctly stated. But because of the current strikes, the fear came as to whether he is lost or forgotten etc.. But then I don’t think so much. LG

2 years ago

Hello, 🖐

probably this is always and every letter.

It always disappears at the post office.

Just wait, or you can’t do anything.

LG 🙋🏻

2 years ago

If the letter is so important, why don’t you send it by registered letter? At the post, something can always disappear, whether strike or not.