Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass bei mir ein Hypermetabolismus auftritt?

Ich bin gerade in der ersten woche von Anorexie recovery und have mich gefragt wie wahrscheinlich es ist, dass bei mir hypermetabolismus auftritt. Dazu zu sgaen wäre, dass Ich habe meine Menstruation verloren habe und mein puls teils sehr niedrig war.

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8 months ago


Hypermetabolism can certainly occur when you recover from anorexia. Your body, which previously ran on asparagus, could now turn into turbo mode to regenerate. That means you may consume more energy than you think. Your lost menstruation and low pulse were warning signals that your system was at the limit. Now it is crucial to control your body and make sure you find healthy back to normality. Get support, stay cool, and don’t let your body run out of the row.

Love greetings 🌞

8 months ago

Very unlikely.

But you can discuss this with your treating doctor and therapist in detail.

8 months ago

You don’t think about it first.