Wie wahrscheinlich ist eine Schwangerschaft 5 Tage vor errechnetem ES?
Zyklus ist eher unregelmäßig. Erster Tag der Periode 11 Tage her (also Zyklustag 11). Errechneter ES ist an Zyklustag 15.
Mich würde mal interessieren wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Schwangerschaft, wenn man an Zyklustag 10 ungeschützten GV hatte?
Then you can’t calculate the ovulation, not about it.
It depends. If the ovulation takes place within five to six days after the traffic, there is a certain probability.
If the ovulation takes place only later, the probability is equal to zero.
Truly “high” is the probability never – even with unprotected GV in the fertile phase, pregnancy only occurs at 25%.
Sperm survive in the female body for up to 5 days and can wait in the egg guide for an egg. An egg is fertilizing for a maximum of 24 hours. Fertilization only occurs on the ovulation day itself.
The fertile time is therefore composed of the survival of the sperm and the egg cell and therefore extends from 5 days before to one day after the ovulation.
According to a large European study (Colombo and Masarotto, 2000), the probability of getting pregnant is 21.2%, a day before 25.5%, two days before 23.7%, 3 days before 17.6%, 4 days before 6.8% and 5 days before only 2.7%.
On the day of the temperature rise (at the time of ovulation or shortly thereafter, the body temperature rises slightly) the probability is 10.3%, even a day later 0.8%.
But what makes you use of the probability calculation – someone is always the statistics.
Happy for you!
And so all probability calculations are obsolete
Make a test if you’re overdue
With GV without prevention very high
This alone should never have unprotected GV if you don’t want to get pregnant.
Sperms can survive up to 5 days in the vagina and wait for ovulation.