Wie Wagniskapital aufnehmen?
Wie kann man Wagniskapital aufnehmen? Wie läuft das ab? Wenn man eine gute Idee hat und 50 Millionen braucht, geht man dann zu einem Investor und der gibt einem die 50 Millionen als Kredit? Wer macht das? Banken, private Investoren, spezielle Unternehmen? Entscheidet nur ob die Idee gut oder schlecht ist über die Finanzierung? Braucht man selbst Eigenkapital? Welche Sicherheiten bekommt der Kreditgeber?
You have to find someone who believes in your idea. This can be a bank, an investor, grandma and grandpa or other private individuals.
you’re screwed because no one invests 50 million in an idea.
Yes, there’s so-called. Venture capital (venture capitals).
Nobody invests in an idea. You need a detailed business plan that shows how and when with the idea how much money can be earned. No one talks to you about your idea without such a business plan. Here you will find a template for a business plan https://www.ihk-muenchen.de/businessplan/
This depends on the investor’s willingness. Personally, I would never invest in an idea in which the idea provider does not invest.
None. That is why Riskcapital. But the investor wants to own a certain share of the company that earns money with your idea.
Risk capital is allowed, yes.
No. Risk capital may give anyone who wants (and can).
For a “good idea” there is no single cent.
You need a stable business model, first proof of market and a certain realistic chance for scaling.
You won’t get from zero to 50 million. Whoever will enter with you will see that you have done in advance and your own appropriate assignment.
You’ll have to look for a private investor. To get the 50 million out, you have to have a very good idea. He won’t give you a loan, he’ll want to have shares of the company.
Is that enough? My idea was to gain energy by adding hydrogen to helium-4. This enabled billions of profits. Nonetheless, no one gave me money for this brilliant idea…
where did you ask everywhere?
Well recognized. A good idea is not enough to get money. It must always be explained how the idea can be implemented – a so-called. proof of concept.
so no one?! Who should give the 100 billion xD
For anyone who has the necessary 100 billion investment costs.