Wie vorgehen, um in den USA Amerikaner kennen zu lernen?

Angenommen, ich wäre in den USA im Urlaub.

Amerikaner auf der Straße ansprechen wäre vermutlich nicht zielführend, weil sie dann denken, ich mache nur Smalltalk (wie in den USA üblich).

Kann man in einer Bar oder so Amerikaner kennen lernen?

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2 years ago

Can you get to know in a bar or so American?

Yes, of course. This is how we learn to know in the USA. You can also tinder before, and your date is already waiting in the bar.

2 years ago
Reply to  stufix2000

your date is already waiting in the bar.

The expectations of the Tinder meeting were severely different: it wants to lay the foundation for the Greencard, it wants with quite probability only a non-binding one night stand.

2 years ago

Since this was the last question in our acquaintance, here was a brief summary. Let’s be honest and not talk about the Brei: It depends on what stupid question or what intelligent statement one wants to start the spun. Often after that, it’s already transmission deadline. If the gespraech is sustained unilaterally penetrant, it sounds devastating – industrious no matter what : mostly sex, with you the Greencard. If you’re looking for a man for a one-night, the bar can be the right place. But in the rarest Faellen it is the right place to praise the ticket for the USA.

The problem with you is that on bending and breaking – no matter how you – you want to go to the USA and the man, if he only has a lot of opportunity to offer, is only means for the purpose – not to speak of love at all.

1 year ago

In the bar or in public transport or events

2 years ago

Go to a sports bar. Look at a football game and ask at a flag: “what is it about and who dunnit?”


2 years ago

It’s nice that you’re still unvaccinated and even alive, but without letting you inoculate, you’ll never put a foot on the US floor again, except as an illegal immigrants. So your question is pointless, as without any practical relevance.