Wie vorgehen deutschland auswandern?
(Ich bin Schweizer) ich brauch kein Visa oder? Wie bekomme ich eine Arbeitserlaubnis
(Ich bin Schweizer) ich brauch kein Visa oder? Wie bekomme ich eine Arbeitserlaubnis
Hey, ich möchte gerne ein ESL (Sprachkurs) im Mai anfangen in den USA und wollte 3 Monate vorher schon einreisen mit einem ESTA, finde dazu leider nichts in google, ob das möglich ist.. Finde nur etwas zu B Visa. Ich habe in meinem Au-Pair Jahr meinen Freund hier kennengelernt und versuche so viel es geht…
Hallo, ich bin ein deutscher Pilot der vor hat in die USA auszuwandern. Ich würde gerne nach den auswandern meinem Beruf nachgehen deshalb meine Frage kann ich mich mit meiner deutschen ATPL auf US Amerikanische Airline Jobs bewerben oder brauch ich eine neue Qualifikation. Wenn ka welche Airlines bieten das an oder bietet das jede…
Ich bin Ägypter und werde nach Deutschland gehen und ich möchte wissen, wie die Deutschen zu den Ägyptern stehen
Sind Metalbauer gesucht in denn USA weil ich würde gerne aus Deutschland auswandern, welche wege sind am besten und was gibt es zu beachten
You can emigrate to Germany as if you were moving within Switzerland (at least approximately). So log in to the old residence and log in to the new residence. You will then be logged in to the EDA as an “Auslandschweizer”. So you still remain logged in to a Swiss register, for example, to be able to request an ID to vote in Switzerland, etc. But I am no longer 100% sure whether this EDA application went automatically or whether I had to do it myself.
You don’t need a job to emigrate to Germany. With the agreements between Switzerland and Germany (or EU, possibly), you can easily re-register and you can (in theory) also use German social benefits such as unemployment benefits.
You don’t need a special ID in Germany either. The Swiss ID is recognized from an official point of view as the German ID card. In order to be professional, it is not necessary. However, since our ID does not contain a residence address, it would be very advisable to issue a so-called residence permit (as is the case with a foreigner’s passport by hand). There is no question in Germany. Without the home address, even simple things can fail, such as picking up a reserved online shop. Employers, of course, do not know all these agreements.
Sooner or later you have to deal with the subject of pension.
If you have a driver’s license, you’ll have to re-register it at your new city or county road office. You have to give the Swiss guide card and get a German. There is a period of several months (possibly 12). Once these have been painted, it becomes extremely complicated. Depending on the staff in the road traffic office, you can still re-register it or you have to repeat a first-aid course or you have to repeat the entire exam. There is apparently different knowledge of the regulation.
At the end of the period, however, the driving licence is invalid in the event of a control.
The move must also take place within a certain period of time. If you wait too long and move your TV, expensive PC and jewellery after 3 years to Germany, you’ll have to pay for it all. Not within the time limit (but I do not know the exact number of months).
Overall, it is a very easy thing. However, since every person has different situations, it can certainly not hurt that you first look on the Internet, what you have to think about and secondly ask, especially at the offices, whether you have to do anything else.
And small “fun fact”: If you have entries in the criminal register, they are not on the German leadership certificate.
I really don’t know how to thank you….you just answered all my questions… thank you very much!!! 😆
you do not need work permit, just a job
Ohso is great can evolve next week
but ask at the local registration office – for a longer residence permit, with your employment contract, that is good
Thank you!