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Neuntöter retten?
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I don’t count it, but often.
Are you going to school?
The school is my job.
No, teacher.
Are you the master?
Every couple of weeks when it comes up, and then I’m happy that I’ve successfully done Abi in 2013
Do you think about your coward?
sometimes …was unfortunately ill (38,5) at our 10-year-old meeting and could not come =(
1-2x a week. I’m a student and a little longer out.
Why not every minute?
But sometimes I dream about it
Your half life was you at school, why don’t su think every minute
Why should I not have been there for almost 10 years
Is your IQ low or why not tell me every minute?
No, my school time has only been a few years ago, and that’s not a topic for me anymore.
Of course I had friends at school and I still see them. That doesn’t mean you think about school.
Didn’t you see any friends?
So often that it doesn’t know.
How old are you?
Are you going to school?