Wie viele Wörter sollte eine Story mindestens auf Wattpad haben?

Hi, ich wollte fragen wie viele Wörter genug für ein Wattpad Kapitel sind. Ich schreibe eine Fanfiktion aber weiß nicht, wie lang ein Kapitel höchstens gehen sollte. Ich lese nicht viel auf Wattpad, nur andere Fanfiktions und wollte deswegen fragen (von eurer Erfahrung nach) wie viele Wörter ungefähr ein Kapitel in Geschichten hat, die ihr gerade vielleicht lest, oder welche Wörter Anzahl am besten ankommt.

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1 year ago

This is very different and in the end you have to decide what your style is. The chapter length differs from author to author quite strongly and can also vary within a book and this variation is again very individual. Sometimes you might need more words to write the story of a chapter than you thought. Some people don’t care, and they might have a chapter that is much longer than the rest. Others might share this chapter in two. The same applies to chapters which are very short. Some will choose to link this to another, others will retain it as a chapter.
All these things are not better or worse, but simply a matter of taste.
But since you asked about Wattpad, something else.
On Wattpad it is quite common that people divide longer chapters into parts (e.g. chapters 1 (part 1) and chapter 1 (part 2)), as it is easier to read in principle. Of course, it is also necessary to split these parts in some sense (so not in the middle of a scene and not so that one is much longer than the other).
The reason for this is that you can’t set bookmarks or A in Wattpad within a chapter, and you often have to read this completely when you start a chapter to know where you are or need to look, which can be exhausting with longer chapters. However, this is also your decision and, as Dakaria has already said, books with long chapters are also read. Depending on this, even more, as longer chapters tend to indicate a higher quality.

1 year ago

Here I often read that users recommend to write 1000 to 1,500 words at most. However, this does not correspond to my personal experience. I look at this number of words rather as a minimum, as everything below usually has a very unripe style of writing that I do not want to do.

The most famous story I know on Wattpad is a Harry Potter FanFiction with 1.4 million reads on 62 chapters. The chapters are all about 10,000 words. People obviously didn’t stop reading.

I would advise you not to stiffen yourself too much on how many words you write per chapter. It says nothing about the quality of your history. Write a reasonable story, with red thread and half-way reasonable writing style. This means that you already have some 90% of the other Wattpad users, who have simply written on it and do not get a set without spelling errors.

If you’re insecure when you’re going to start a new chapter, consider which scenes you see as belonging. In the end, the function of chapters is that your story is divided into sections of meaning. Whether in longer or shorter.

1 year ago

As many as you think is right. My chapters have about 1000 to 5000 words.

1 year ago

My average length is from 1000-1500 words per chapter, which is about 5-10 minutes reading time. Everyone decides that.

Most short chapters have up to 500 words. Means long up to 1000 and the long just over 1000 words. This is how I divide this:D

LG Vanilla angel

1 year ago

Look how much you have to write to get a chapter written by a normal fanfiction. With 400-600 words, you will probably not get out, everything else is a question of style etc. in itself.

If the chapter is longer, you have to pay more attention to good formatting, i.e. insert sufficient paragraphs. Because it makes a difference whether you have 3000 words up in the huge block ahead of you or a book with smaller pages that you can flip.

You write a chapter in yourself for as long as it has to be. You don’t have to orient yourself to others as long as it’s not in extremes. Sure, 100 words may be somewhat too short as average length and 30,000 words may be a little too long.
But there’s a lot in there.

And how long the story is doesn’t matter. Write as much as necessary and as little as possible (which of course should sound nice… I mean that you don’t lose yourself in unnecessary) and most importantly, that you are satisfied with it.