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2 years ago

At the earliest, the first period comes back 4 weeks after release, it can take up to 3 months until the period comes back.

Regarding breastfeeding, nature is wonderful. The mother produces milk as long as it is needed, but the milk flow can become less so that food must be fed.

2 years ago
Reply to  DianaValesko

Thank you for the ⭐s no good.

2 years ago

Miscellaneous 🙂

Some women get their period very quickly, others do not have the complete breastfeeding time, because the breastfeeding triggers a reflex that can suppress the normal cycle more or less 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  SilentGirl186

As onesimus said, as long as milk is needed, it is also made by the body:)

The reflex, which also suppresses the cycle, ensures that more milk is produced 🙂

Thus, as long as regular distillation is carried out, it is also possible to continue distillation.

2 years ago
Reply to  SilentGirl186

The milk is formed as long as and as much as it is asked. There is no ceiling. If you get pregnant again, it is often recommended to distil off.