How many rinse cycles do you use?

Good day,

I recently moved into my first apartment.
Now, I noticed earlier that my washing machine is always automatically set to 4 rinse cycles, meaning the rinse cycle (not the wash cycle).

Now I asked myself whether this isn't a bit too much.

Any advice or tips would be very appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

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3 years ago

you can’t change it, you can’t change it. modern washing machines rinse more often, but with relatively little water at each wash cycle. the washing is not supposed to smell after washing powder or still contain rest.

3 years ago

Hello Unknown1511

Four sinks are all right. With hard water you should program a 5th rinse cycle

Greetings HobbyTfz

3 years ago

I think 4 is adequate. Otherwise you may retain detergent in the laundry…

3 years ago

What’s programmed in the machine.