Wie viele Schüsse schaft ein Luftgewehr?
Guten Tag, wie viele Schüsse schaft ein Luftgewehr von guter Qualität?
Nehm wir einfach mal das Weihrauch hw 35 bei guter Pflege. Bei einem Auto sind es Kilometer und bei Luftgewehren Schüsse.
Freue mich auf eureAntworten
You can’t say that now. This also depends on the age of the rifle. The main problem with the air rifle is generally the seals or any problems with the piston. If the air rifle is slightly older, the rubbers quickly become brittle or less elastic, which then greatly reduces the power. However, the course of an air rifle should always be maintained with normal care, since it is only relatively slow lead shots. However, if too much or the wrong oil is used in the care, an explosion can occur in the mechanism, which then damages the mechanism or can even destroy it.
But you can’t just call an exact number.
Just what you said in your last post should not be done. That’s funny a few times and after that you can just hang the gun on the wall.
So if you treat the gun well, it should keep your youth or your life long. If there is to be a little bit more, there is a possibility of shooting with the consent of parents at the local Schützenverein Kleinkaliber from 14 years onwards. With hunting license or hunting training, you can shoot from 16 shotguns, large calibers and short weapon.
Good shot
Twenty thousand, no doubt. An air rifle is loaded mechanically much less than a “sharp” firearm. There may have to be a seal changing over time.