Wie viele Salmler im 120l Aquarium halten?

Ich habe ein 120l Aquarium und darin ein Zwergfadenfischpaar. Ich wollte fragen wie viele Salmler ich dazu tun kann. Also ob ich eine Sorte nehmen soll die zu 20 Tieren gehalten werden müssen oder ob das Aquarium zu klein ist und ich lieber Schrägschwimmer o.ä nehmen soll.

ich freue mich über hilfreiche Antworten LG Emma

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5 years ago

So whether I should take a variety that must be kept to 20 animals

Is there now…here not lower limit is normal 5-10

whether the aquarium is too small

rather no, not too small. Where it always comes to the character of the fish – some of them are too aggressive for other fish. You can also consider leaving them alone.

and I prefer sloping floats

Sloping floats are now quite large for aquarium conditions, which fit more into a 120 cm/240 l basin.

I’d like to get Salmler, then 10 red neon, 10-15 Hyphessobrycon amandae or 7 8 black phantom alms, red phantom alms or white fin bentosi.

… if it’s not a jewel Lido 120 l… then if only 10 H. amandae at all, that’s not a normal 120 l basin. It’s very short.

5 years ago
Reply to  Grobbeldopp

10 H. amandae are too little, that should be at least 20. The Winzlings are really not long-distance swimmers.

5 years ago

Hall Emma,

There are hundreds of Salmler species, many of which you could keep in your 120 l AQ.

However, it would be important to know what dimensions your AQ has and what water values prevail therein – i.e. total hardness, carbonate hardness and PH value and temperature.

Not all fish have the same needs and it is necessary to consider that fish can live healthy for a long time.

5 years ago
Reply to  dsupper

Hall Emma

I will give you a Christmas o 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Norina1603

Thank you.

5 years ago

Doesn’t know how it is today: In my old Aquaristic book, “1 liter of water per 1 cm of fish” stood as a rule of thumb; in small fish, this rule should work well. I’ve always been holding on, and my fishing was fine.

So if you buy Salmler, which will get a maximum of 4 cm long, you can add about 25 pieces to your aquarium.

However, I don’t know how your dwarf thread fish are tolerated with other species. Of course, one must also pay attention to the fact that the larger ones do not chase the little ones too dead.