Wie viele Leute einladen?

Hey, ich würde gerne demnächst meinen 15. Geburtstag feiern. Ich würde gerne eine große Feier zu Hause machen, dafür überlassen meine Eltern mit auch das Haus. Wir haben recht viel Platz drinnen und draußen.

Meine Frage ist jetzt wie viele Leute ich einladen sollte, denn eigentlich würde ich gerne viele einladen, auch um mich im Jahrgang bisschen beliebt zu machen, aber weiß nicht was so ne Gute Anzahl ist.

Dann weiß ich nicht ob es Alkohol geben sollte, viele werden da schon 16 sein und haben auf jeden Fall Erfahrung mit Partys und Alkohol aber keine Ahnung…

Vielleicht habt ihr ja Tips oder Erfahrungen wie man das am Besten macht, danke schonmal

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1 year ago

Sure something alcohol but not so much and best your friends in and all you like might have a few more from your class and of course you also need to know how much space the house has and whether all of you fit in;)

1 year ago

I’d rather look closely, I’d invite you and not even WIE VIELE. You’ll be 15, not 18 – where I might still understand a MEGASAUSE. Reasons like “I want to make myself more popular.” You may have people in the house that you don’t even know, maybe you don’t like, which you can’t guess, etc.

And alcohol is almost always in trouble. I don’t know if I really did. Of course, you can’t prevent people smuggling at the party. I don’t want to paint the devil on the wall, but I’m already a bit older and I’ve experienced complete escalation even at a party where really whole-sucked and nice people were invited… Think about it.

1 year ago


count the seats first and see if you were willing to buy more folding chairs – and if so, how many? So many people would be the maximum. Probably many still want to bring to us and announce it very close, so don’t baller all seating directly with any people full of…

Alcohol… giving minors high-percent alcohol is punishable, you hope you know that!

I would put two boxes of beer (from 16) and say who wants high-percentage, should bring it myself, on his own responsibility.

And warn the neighbors;)

1 year ago

Then I don’t know if there should be alcohol

You’ll be 15.

More than a cult bouwle wouldn’t give it to me for you.

1 year ago

Just insert the one you want to invite.

I’d invite people who you don’t really know or aren’t friends with in a garkeen case.

At my 18th there were about 100 people. But we also celebrated third parties and rented the youth house.

Make Biet snacks and soft drinks. Whoever wants anything else should bring himself. Less stress for you.

1 year ago

Number 1:

Never be the host

1 year ago

As many as the budget and the space offer gives.

1 year ago

In no case offers alcohol that gives a giant anger