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The “family planning” is behind me. Logically!
I don’t think it’s too risky that a child in spe would have to celebrate his age at least as a half-waise…
By the way, it is written to all parents in spe as well as to the flag that it would be good if children should have parents who are as old as they are actually only grandmas and grandpas!
But if it’s already very happy, I’d be the number anyway, but 2 would be nice
In any case 2, I would even have named
I already have two children. It is right that the children are strenuous and life changes because you also have to take care of someone else than just yourself.
But my children make me happy, they are my greatest happiness and give life a deeper meaning.
Last week I explained to my son (4) why the moon shines and sometimes is full and sometimes sick. The whole thing with a globe, a flashlight and a tennis ball.
These are beautiful moments I don’t want to exchange for a baptismal holiday on the beach.
Probably only one, at most two.
Children are small carnivores. ^^
If I and my possible future friend have little money, definitely not.
It is selfish to put children into the world out of a pure desire for children. I don’t respect such people.
Besides, I just don’t like kids. They are loud, annoying and exhausting.
And why would I want to spend money for children if I can spend it for books, music and clothes? I got a lot more of it.
Not less than 2, not more than 3
A girl and a boy would love me.
But find a woman first
I would like to have 2 children, then they can also deal with each other and do not need me all the time. But I would adopt children because I don’t want to experience birth.
Natuerlich ein verwoehntekind…:D
A boy and a girl
Mixed sexes.
I don’t just want the world to be settled by deppen later – my children I’m already bending so they’re great people.
So I’d like to have two children:)
I don’t do this to my children.
I would like to have three children 🙂
I would like to have three children 🙂
2 children.