Wie viele Kinder haltet ihr für ‘zu viel’?
Aloha wunderbare Community,
mein Marcel und ich erwarten unser nächstes Kind, bzw. sollte ich sagen unsere nächsten Kinder, denn ich bin mit Zwillingen schwanger, im 5. Monat. Wir beide sind sehr sehr Glücklich das es so gut geklappt hatte ^^
Zu meiner eigentlichen Frage . . . Ich war mit meiner Kleinen unterwegs und wurde da angesprochen ziemlich angemacht, das das doch unverantwortlich ist, noch mehr Kinder zu bekommen und ob mir der Planet egal wäre und so ein Mist. War wahrscheinlich auch wegen dem BMW den ich fahre, long Story.
Ich hab da so gedacht, was denken andere Leute darüber? Würde mich mal interessieren.
Liebe Grüße Anna
Come on to the couple, but I would say you shouldn’t have more than three children. The attention has to be paid to the children, and they don’t get enough.
As I said, you don’t have to explain to me how this is completely feasible. Because, as I said, the parents also depend.
This is a very individual decision. Personally, I probably don’t want more than two children. But can also develop quite differently if you have at least one child. I think many may combine many children with poverty, poor education, or see it similar to when someone hoards animals.
Too many are when you can’t take care of it anymore and neglect it. This is very individual.
If you do not live up to the children, that can be one, but also 21.
Got a twin brother and four half siblings are six children. I don’t think so. Find it bad as soon as you can no longer take care of all children as they deserve it
LG Levi m/24
I think a child is too much.
Nice story.
I don’t care how many kids get other people.
A child.
3 I think I’m fine