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2 years ago

Lectins are destroyed in the correct preparation (e.g. dried legumes soak, then cook).

On average, at least 30 g/day are recommended. Dried weighed. For example, it is possible to divide it well to 3 portions a week.

I would also listen to the body because of the crowd, and with too many legumes it may come to blooms. However, the above is the recommended minimum quantity.

Further literature:

2 years ago

After the latest and first worldwide food recommendation, you can eat up to 100G legumes daily.

2 years ago

If you add nutrients to the body, you can’t remove it from it.

legumes cause bloating for various reasons, but not due to the amount consumed. I have a spoon of green beans for unbearable fluffings.

You can eat as much as you want and create, but legumes should simply not represent your own food because of the variety.

2 years ago

Remove nutrients????

There’s spices that you’re making in there.

2 years ago

You can eat legumes every day, 100, 200 g or more. They have to be properly prepared.