Wie viele Fortsätze hat ein Neuron?
Ich lerne aktuell für einen Test und bin auf diese Zeile gestoßen und irgendwie macht das für mich nicht ganz Sinn. Ich dachte immer, dass jede Nervenzelle entweder ein Axon oder keines hat wie zum Beispiel die Amakrinzelle, jedoch steht hier, dass Nervenzellen viele oder nur einen Fortsatz/Axon haben und im zweiten Bild ja genau das Gegenteil. Was stimmt nun und wie viele Fortsätze, können Neuronen haben?
I think the terms here need to be confused and clarified first…
A “continuation” is first each spur of the somas of a nerve cell, completely independent of their function.
Accordingly, axone as an efferente component dendrites as an active component among the extensions of the neuron.
The choice of the terms of the first text section is something…unfortunate. “Fortsatz” with “Axon” is simply not correct.
The bandwidth ranges from “exact one” (in pseudounipolar neurons) to 10,000.
Thank you very much!
No problem.
in principle you do not seem to have understood Axon and Dendrit. Check it out in the book again.
Otherwise, an axon is branched several times at the end (endoctopus) and in contact with dendrites of other nerve cells.
Axon1 of cell1 forwards the signal to the dendrite2 of cell 2. Axon2 starts from the soma of cell 2 and forwards the signal accordingly to cell 3 .
an axon, but branches (collateral) are possible.
Image: Page 11 https://hoffmeister.it/biologie/05.04elektrochemical_vorgaenge_in_nervenzellen.pdf
Thank you.
Many dendrites are usually drawn and only one axon, and the latter usually not completely because it only ends in distant regions, according to cellular standards.
Axone can only be found in the target region, but it is similar to the dendrites.
According to my knowledge an axon with some thousands of branches.
Do you mean dendrites or axone with branching? 🙂
Branches of the axon are not dendrites. But they also have many branches.