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1 month ago

In your tags there are only gymnasium and real school, but not primary school.

Three of them are really okay, so you don’t need to move down from school to school. For example, with the 4th core compartment from the 7th cl., which is tested at the end and does not exist at the gymnasium. Ideally, your foreign language combination fits.

You can also get down from the gymnasium with medium maturity and do an education (apply at the right time!).


1 month ago

Infinitely many, with a 3 you’re not going through anywhere.

1 month ago
Reply to  Dreamdrummer

However, it would not be enough to switch from a middle school to the real school in Bavaria, for example, and not from the primary school 4th grade to the real school. That’s why I wrote in my answer “only guesses.”

1 month ago

You don’t write in what state you’re going to school or at what school you are currently. But you’re sure you’ve got a school career advice, the one or the one can tell you that for your school and your federal state. You’re just getting guesses here.

1 month ago

depends on where you come from. From the gymnasium you can have as many three as you want. I don’t know exactly from the middle school and I’m sure it’s a little different from the federal state to the federal state.

1 month ago

I believe in German/mathe/English at least one 3, so that was credible with us.