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zu viel eiweiß?
also hab gelesen dass man zunimmt wenn man zu viel proteine isst. aber das macht an sich doch keinen sinn wenn man immernoch im defizit ist
Are McDonald's and Burger King out?
You hardly hear anything about it anymore and it has somehow disappeared from advertising too. Is this era or whatever you call it obsolete or is this fast foot industry slowly becoming obsolete.
Which is better?
It's above ☝️
Wo ist eurer Meinung nach der beste Döner in München?
Was macht sie so besonders. Was unterscheidet ihn von anderen?
Weshalb Beleidigen mich einige als Lauch?
Also ich bin 1,80 m groß und wiege 76 Kilo. Bin von meiner Statur her etwas dünner aber mache auch jetzt schon seit einem halben Jahr Kraftsport. Also prinzipiell sind das ja ganz normale Körpermaße. Wieso werde ich dann kritisiert?
Zero. so far I have tried one or two times in my life döner and that was somehow nothing for me
Two. But she donated my daughter every time. No one would have been.
I’m Ü60 now and I’ve never eaten a diner. I will not do that in the future
Two times off one. (:
why not buy your own?
I just cook fresh or go to restaurants, I don’t think of fast food. Besides, I don’t like Döner.
No, I was very hungry. 😂
but 2x you kept something from almost food. or did you just want to confirm your opinion that döner is not good?
I’ve eaten about 10 diners for the last 12 months.
Dönerteller was more.
To be honest, I find the darker on the picture doesn’t look appealing (looking so bitless and dry)…but the brot looks awesome
Yeah, there’s no sauce.
4 or something.
in the cut all 3 months one, not even so much
Can’t remember, probably one.
I guess 30-40.
I’ve never eaten a diner
But there is a high time before they cost 20 euros or so in 10 years.
I don’t think of Fast Food
Zero. Don’t get fat food right now.
the superless fat in the döner is already problematic?
Yes, unfortunately. Meat, sauces, onions (peat doesn’t go too).. 🙁 Eat a few for me, yes? 🙂
Not one.
I’ll tap four or five. I usually don’t book about it. .
Zero – and in the next 12 months it will be zero again.
Why not?
Because diners are of low quality, I prefer to eat at the Japanese crossover next door and enjoy a entrecôte
Maybe 3 pieces
No one.
as in the last 50+ years and also in the remaining years, not a single one. You can hunt me with Dönern.
Don’t understand why I can hunt you with it if you don’t even know how it tastes.
does the look scare you?
Who says I didn’t try once? The smell alone makes me choke. I don’t need that.
No = 0
Have read your version about your former expert title. Worth praise. For the “normal users” it can be seen in no time that the so-called “experts” often have little idea of YOUR theme.