Wie viele Coronaimpfungen hattest du bereits?

Jetzt im Herbst 2022 zählen ja drei Impfungen zur Grundimmunisierung, früher waren es nur zwei. Erst die vierte Impfung ist dann die Auffrischung. Es soll Leute geben, die bereits viermal oder fünfmal (?) geimpft sind.

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2 years ago

And no problem with others.

2 years ago

this also remains in spite of the installation-related vaccination obligation.

I don’t need, and I’m against JamesBaxter soger 3G (+ (2 times) genes) 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Topses

What a hell. You’re crazy. You’re thirsty at a hairdresser.

2 years ago
Reply to  merkurus

Why? Had Corona twice and would even prefer Corona to any cold (in the current variant) if the stupid quarantine weren’t. In the meantime, it is officially admitted that the vaccination does not protect against infection, at least from a heavier course.

First time 1 day fever and muscle pain, the second time completely symptomless. Why should I let myself intrude if the course can no longer be milder?

I’m vaccinating with Vit. C, Vit. D and some other dietary supplements. Protects not only from corona, but also from many other infections and diseases. Of course, does not mean that you don’t get it, I had it (Corona) twice, but the immune system has loosely finished with it.

2 years ago

I got an RFID chip vaccinated, I’m male and wear an alien egg in my stomach.

2 years ago

And stay there!

2 years ago

I am unvaccinated and 2G (healthy and happy) 🙂

Greeting, JB

2 years ago

The three I have, they’re enough for me.

If I do a fourth, it’s still in the stars.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Recently the fourth

2 years ago

Is there people with 5? °.°

2 years ago
Reply to  Fuchsbutter

Yes, of course – those who have received the first round at the beginning (mainly health care) could now be loose at No. 5.