Wie viele Briefmarken brauche ich um eine Liftaßsäule komplett zu bekleben?
Brauche dringend Hilfe bei dieser Aufgabe
Brauche dringend Hilfe bei dieser Aufgabe
Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine frage zu einer Aufgabe im Buch. Gegeben ist eine lineare Gleichung in der Kurzform : c) x= 1/2, d) y=5, e) x=-1 Die Zahlenpaare dazu : (1I5), (-12I-1), (5I2), (5I-1) Ich weiß ich sollte die Kurzform in einer ausführlichen linearen gleichung y=m*x+y aufschreiben aber ich weiß nicht wie ich vorgehen…
Was meint man damit? Kann mir das jemand erklären
Hallo, in meinem Mathebuch steht dieses Beispiel über den Median. Aber ich frage mich warum der Median bei diesem Diagramm 38,5 ist. Müsste er nicht eigentlich 39 sein, das liegt ja genau in der Mitte? Weiß jemand warum?Danke im Voraus
Bitte hilfe bei diesem beispiel gibt zwar lösung aber kein rechenweg ist schwer leider
Wie komme ich an die Nullstellen vom Zähler und vom Nenner ran? Ich komme bei beiden Gleichungen einfach auf 0 ( durch diese sin/cos/tan- Tabelle von 0-90 Grad) aber die Funktionen sind ja beide periodisch. Wie kommt man da drauf?
Hm difficult, so few assumptions:
First, the task is inaccurate: Is the entire surface of the column meant, i.e. also base, lid etc. or just the adhesive surface? I’m just leaving the glue.
Litfaß columns have quite different dimensions, I have found from 4m2 to 16m2 adhesive surface, but also gives other measurements. This is a wide range. So let’s first see if the stamps are better and how many might fit in 1 m2.
Stamps are also available in a wide variety of sizes, the standard variant and the roll brand has a measure of 2*3cm approx. 6cm2. We want to take this to get close to an answer.
1m2=10.000cm2 so 10k/6=1666.66… Stamps per square meter.
At 4m2, it would be 6.666.66… to 16m2: 26.666.66…
We therefore have useful answers based on reasonable assumptions.
For a specific answer, one should now know the exact dimensions of the desired column.
A Fermi task has NO specific answer. There is no specific desired answer.
This depends extremely on the dimensions of the litter column and the stamps.
This is exactly what it is about.
This depends both on the size of the Litfaß column and on the size of the stamps used.
This is a Fermi task without measurements but thanks anyway
Then get the measurements out.
This is not the case. You have to find everything from comments.
That’s why I say, complete the tasks.
And it is also not self-evident that you know what an FERMI task is…
There are not THE unambiguous dimensions
Fermi – Task : It can also be open, which is glued exactly.
Guys, ask your questions completely! You always stumble in the fog until you know what it’s all about.
Then you recreate the shell surface of the little column and divide this area by the size of a stamp.
So up and down?
You don’t understand the task?
Haha how nice I have but I wonder how I can solve this because I don’t understand it is the meaning of this app
Without the dimensions of the stamp and the column, the question is not complete and not answerable.
This is a Fermi Anagbe with us there is no measurements
Because there is a Fermi task, there is no correct solution.
only understandable
No column in your street?
Go to Wiki or use the search engine of your choice with “Liftaßstab Dimensions”
I will find you the
even the dimensions for advertising are already there
Missing the stamp size
“Letter Brand Size Dimensions” to the Maschin. As you can see, Google gives perfect MIST as an answer
The size of the letter, not that of the mark
find a size: not so easy for me. This current brand has the size 55 mm * 30 mm
are 5*3 = 15 cm2
at 3.5 m2 advertising space?
Convert to 350 dm2 ,then 35000 cm2
surface Litfaß column / surface stamp
That’s it.
Now he just has to find one.
there is neither one nor the other : unambiguous
It would be nice if you were to write where your problem is. You’re sure it’s clear that it’s going out on a surface calculation. So what are you looking at?
Fermi task: Then write that you should assess reliable results from missing information.
How this is being treated at school and what helps you is deprived of my knowledge.
No further comment: estimated 6 m2 : 6cm2.
A Litfaß column should have about 12 m2.