Wie viele Binden für 6 Wochen mitnehmen?
Ich habe bald einen 6-wöchigen Urlaub, in dem ich meine Periode sehr wahrscheinlich 2 Mal bekommen werde. Wie viele Binden und Tampons sollte ich am besten mitnehmen? Meine Periode dauert meistens 6 Tage.
Soll ich lieber für beide Perioden genug Produkte mitnehmen, oder soll ich mir dort welche besorgen?
Best buy such a big pack or Stock package
Both for tags and nights
If you should go out, you can also buy them on site.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
in which country are you going?
I would advise you to pack a pack and take two psckungen tag.
if you go swimming would ever bind a pack and a tampons would certainly suffice.
if you’re in a European country reiss and a little civilized, you can just take a package for the night and couple of single tags and buy the rest before place then you save a lot of luggage or if it goes into the usa I don’t advise you to take anything. it has the same products as here and even the always invinity they are with distance the best.
Do you make a holiday in the jungle where there is no such thing?
I would buy the stuff on site and take a few pieces for the emergency.
You will get such products everywhere. If you don’t have so much space, you’ll buy some protection on site. So you hide my place in the suitcase, of course, as long as you will only get your days after arrival
you reckon your normal consumption on 2x high…
Würd pick up some, then you neither have much to go nor go back
You know how much you need at home and how many you take. Easy to use
I don’t think so much space.
Then take care of the necessary
Binding you can buy worldwide.