Wie viele beschnittene Jungen in deiner Klasse?

Ich bin 16 Jahre alt und wurde gerade beschnitten. Ich sprach mit den anderen Jungen in der Klasse darüber und erfuhr, dass 7 von 12 Jungen beschnitten sind. Wie viele jungs waren bei euch in der Klasse Beschnitten? In welcher Klasse bist du? Und warum ist das so?

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2 years ago

There were not so many immigrants in the class at the time. Nowadays there are many school classes in which 85% of the students have a Muslim background. Therefore, I would not be surprised at high circumcision rates in some classes. Depending on the composition.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gentlef

Intentious injury, despite the right to physical integrity!

The GG is, completely incomprehensible, kinked before religions!

2 years ago
Reply to  Iohanes

Fortunately, there are also politicians who can think clearly and respect the freedom of religion that is anchored in the Basic Law.

2 years ago

I don’t even deny that, I don’t think there are any problems for myself, I know that there are people who have experienced it differently.

2 years ago

I do not demonise a circumcision, but I prophesy it when it is done without medical need! And this is increasingly the case.

And without risk and undesirable possible complications and side effects, a radical amputation is not.

2 years ago

On the one hand I am right to you, you should also reform the judiciary a little, but you have to dive deeper into the matter.

I have also had my experiences.

Even if I’m circumcised, I haven’t known that I’m Jewish.

It’s a long story.

In spite of everything, circumcision must not be tampered

And compare it with the GG that legalizes it.

But if you let it run on this rail, it is anti-Semitic

2 years ago

What does this have to do with Judaism?

This applies generally. And Judaism is not a problem!

You have to think a little bigger.

Religions in themselves bring dissatisfaction and divide societies! They belong to the whole private and in schools everyone has to be enlightened about this mischief. Without exception. For there is no single valid proof of existence for even only one God! This is a fact! The nonsense of the old teachings must be pointed out and enlightened!

2 years ago

You wrote yourself

Those who wrote the GG still had the holocaust in their neck and could not guess what they did with it.

Your words

So also anti-Semitic

Or do you look different and want to distance yourself

2 years ago

What is anti-Semitic? It’s just that genital mutilation is a bodily injury! And this is not limited to Judaism first, and secondly it remains a deliberate body injury!
You have to name it clearly and clearly!

2 years ago

I don’t fight, just say what I think, just that there are more and more people who have anti-Semitic views. That’s not good.

2 years ago

Don’t fight under my answer guys 😅

2 years ago

Those who wrote the GG still had the holocaust in their neck and could not guess what they did with it.

2 years ago

Real school: in the 5th class 2 of 12, in the 10th class 7 of 13, from the 8th That’s great. That was 1973

2 years ago
Reply to  alex2944021

For years, children have been circumcised unnecessarily because there is too little education and maybe I can help to change that.


2 years ago

In my (12th) Class are 13 boys, 8 of them trimmed (3 Muslims, 1 adorned ami, 2 because of constriction, 1 because of hygiene and me).

1 year ago

In the primary school, after my memory, no one was circumcised, in our class only I was circumcised (from the 10th grade). But there were no Muslims in both primary and secondary school.

2 years ago

Although it is only estimated, since the proportion of Muslims was about 90%, it is quite likely that >80 % were circumcised.

2 years ago

At my school time there weren’t so many Muslims on the villages, once took 20%, because we even had a class consisting of 12 boys and 9 girls, was just a Muslim, it is more than 10% being, in primary school. From the gymnasium that I then visited in the next county town, there were 50 % for 10 guys as many Muslims were in the class. At that time, I’ve always found better circumcised, even my best mate was cut.

Unfortunately, I have only been circumcised very late for religious and medical reasons.

2 years ago

Of 12 boys, half of them were circumcisioned in childhood. Mine was about 16 where I was cut. That was about 10 years ago.

1 year ago
Reply to  Berty20

What made you cut yourself with 16 and how is it compared to time with pre-skin?

2 years ago

Almost 80 percent are already cut, and I’m in the 8th grade. In my home country, this is a mandatory procedure at birth to make the risk of, for example, urinary path infection less. By research, I once saw these announcements: if you are circumcised, the risk is 1 percent.

2 years ago
Reply to  ethan227

Hello Ethan, what is UTI?

2 years ago
Reply to  Milas12

Harnwegsinfekt – in English Urinary Tract Infection.

2 years ago

that usually have women because they have a shorter horn tube than men

2 years ago

0%. No one was cut with me in class. Probably not in the whole school. I live in a small place in the countryside. There were no Muslim children at school. That’s why no one was cut. This will probably not be much different today, as there are still no ones.

2 years ago

That was over 40 years ago. There was definitely no circumcision.

2 years ago

I can’t say I’ve been circumcised for medical reasons, before circumcision I’ve never seen my acorn

2 years ago

2, now 3 (as I am now also circumcised). Z.Zt. Uni.

1 year ago
Reply to  HighTight

How old were you at the circumcision and why were you circumcised? How is it compared to before?

2 years ago

Sure 80% when I was still at school. I live in Switzerland and with 12 people in class were only 2 Swiss & all other foreigners (:

2 years ago
Reply to  Milea591419

And they were mutilated as children.

2 years ago
Reply to  Iohanes

That’s bullshit! No one ever had problems and pretty much every woman I know is even better at sex. I’d take some other man.

2 years ago
Reply to  Milea591419

Not all foreigners are equally circumcised. Italians, Spaniards or Russians are usually not. It’s from Muslim countries.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gentlef

The two Russians with me in the class at that time (but also surprised me) seemingly it is further prepared than one suspects it and comes along here before all.

2 years ago

According to definition, a groundless circumcision is a mutilation

[1]Add severe injuries to someone who usually cause loss of body parts.

2 years ago

The Russians I don’t know. Probably the Russians from Kazakhstan were, or it was medically necessary.

1 year ago

Goods temporarily about 2/3

2 years ago

At my time it wasn’t

2 years ago

Or less.

2 years ago

Less two people just…

2 years ago

From my class there was only one trim. At least in the 7,

In primary school to upper school, never a boy was cut.

At that time there were not so many Muslims who simply mutilated their children.

My godchild should also be circumcised, according to a Urologist. But I’ve recommended that they come up with a two. And the urologist said the boy should try it himself. And the phimosis has been fixed. Unfortunately, some urologists cut too fast. But, of course, you deserve a lot of money when you’re mutilated. You like to suck on children’s rights

2 years ago

It’s 0%.

2 years ago
Reply to  GrayWolf

Yes, 90 and 100% are missing. 😂

2 years ago

It will be too fast and too often in Germany, completely unnecessary, circumcised!

This must be clearly stated here.

It is an amputation of the foreskin, strictly taken a mutilation, that should really only be done if it does not go otherwise, from a medical point of view!

2 years ago
Reply to  Iohanes

Iohanes – good that you say so clearly. I should also be trimmed but I refused

2 years ago
Reply to  Milas12

Me too! It wasn’t entirely without surgery, but only the french was cleaved and put in the foreskin relief cuts. This is only visible today when you look at it.

I advise everyone who is concerned to listen to another opinion if we want to proceed radically!

2 years ago

We were not talking about that.

no one was circumcised with us, because 40 years ago we had no foreigners in our class