Wie viele Äpfel kann man 4 Kaninchen pro Tag geben?
Wir haben viele Äpfel aus dem Garten, die wir selbst gar nicht alle aufbekommen. Deshalb würden wir sie gerne unseren Kaninchen geben, da Äpfel aber sehr zuckerhaltig sind würde ich gerne wissen, wie viele unsere vier Kaninchen dürfen. (Zwei zwerge und zwei mittelgroße)
How many apples do you want to feed them?
In itself, it is not a problem to feed rabbit apples. However, apples should be fed so that they can get used to it slowly.
Otherwise, this is too abrupt feed conversion.
So we have about 20 pieces left. They are actually used to apples and of course they don’t get them all at once.
Then that would go. Evtl. so one and a half, maximum 2 apples for the little ones.
Hello 🙋🏽
1 apple is okay. However, for 4 rabbits.
My (all three big) get about half an apple a day, of course overall, or another fruit. So it should be a treat.
Greetings I hope I could help you
I wouldn’t give fruit a day, but feed it as a treat.
If you teach them tricks, you mean?
For example. Or two times a week.
I think 1 and half to 2 pieces for each rabbit goes clear
Best rarely give as possible, then give away the surplus you don’t need. We have distributed our surplus of carrots and apples to various horse owners and to a kindergarten.