Wie viele Aminosäuren gibt es wirklich im menschlichen Körper?
In meinem Bio-Buch steht das es 20 Aminosäuren gibt, aber auf Google steht das es 21 oder sogar 22 gibt.
Also gibt es jetzt 20, 21 oder 22 Aminosäuren und woran liegt es das sich die Anzahl je nach Quelle unterscheidet?
There are 20 amino acids which are coded directly by certain nucleic acid triplets or tRNAs.
Then there are other, so-called non-canonic amino acids, which are probably incorporated by modification of the tRNA or are generated by modification of the canonic amino acids. These amino acids are not used by all organisms.
The human genome codes 20 amino acids!
In other earthly creatures there are a few more!
The alpha-L-amino acids of the proteins are always meant for this! Overall, however, there are approximately 400 amino acids, with a biological function. And theoretically you can make as many different as you like!
In addition, there is a SelencysteinAS in humans…
20 I think.
Just google!
As stated, the number of amino acids is different depending on the source
Do you want me to put myself on one side of the scientists? – I don’t think that’s gonna keep anyone.
That would be a good start for you. If you want to know any details, you can still ask a question.
Good luck!
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