Wie viel würdet ihr an meiner Stelle noch abnehmen, bis zu welchem Zeitraum?
Männlich, 25 Jahre alt und 1,80 m groß. Gewicht aktuell: 93,00 kg.
Startgewicht Mitte August 2022 lag bei 140 kg.
Macht einen monatlichen durchschnittlichen Gewichtsverlust von 7,8 kg.
Ursprüngliches Ziel war es, bis Juni 2023 auf 85 kg zu kommen.
Derzeit hoffe ich, dass ich es bis April 2023 auf 85 kg schaffe.
Wie würdet ihr das machen?
Umfrage: Bzw. was wäre an meiner Stelle euer Zielgewicht, und innerhalb von welchem Zeitraum würdet ihr es erreichen wollen?
If you now weigh 93kg, you should take at least 13kg to get to 80kg. And, in order to leave you some room and not to exceed this weight after a lush meal and then to fight again for every gram less, two more kilos would be less – a total weight of 78kg even better.
I give you two helpful tips:
2 TL freshly grated inger root, plus 4 slices of turmeric root in 1200ml water, then let simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the pot from the fire, leave for another 10 minutes; pour through a sieve and then drink a cup half an hour before breakfast. To make it taste less beautiful, you can sweeten the drink with something good [!!!] honey.
What is left in the refrigerator. You can warm up and drink the next morning.
In the evening: a whole fresh cucumber and approx. Rice 80g fresh inger root. Add the juice of half a lemon, stir and drink immediately before bed.
All day, about three weeks. By then you should have accepted at least 5kg. When you reach this goal, you can slow down and take the drinks only three or four times a week. Depends on what progress you make.
Later, after reaching your goal, only twice to keep your weight.
I’ve been doing this for many years and I don’t have a single gram too much on the ribs.
Bonne chance!
*If you don’t get a fresh turmeric root, you can also take 1/4 TL turmeric powder. Ginger must be fresh in any case.
It depends on how much muscle you have. And if you don’t exercise strength, it won’t be much.
I’m just saying women take off. Then they’re not chubby. But without muscles and also comes to the gene. It probably looks normal.
But in men it is absolutely necessary to exercise strength. If you’re just taking a leek or a little piggy. First muscles make you a man. Everything else is unplanned.
You should lose 0.7-1kg a week. Now you can calculate it.
In size, normal weight would be about 65-84 kg. That’s what I’d do.
So first respect, just took the same way to me, got rid of 15kg in 6 months, starting weight 144kg. So exact weight I can’t say exactly, do not know your body construction, whether and how much hanging skin is present, etc. With your body size, I would definitely not go below 80-85kg if you take off any excess skin and have relatively good muscle building.
80kg are exactly matching
I think you can reach your desired weight of 85 kilos by June.
How do you get 65 kilos? That would be a strong underweight.
Would be your (better) ideal weight.