Wie viel würde die Krankenkasse zahlen?

Bei mir muss vielleicht ein vorderer Schneidezahn entfernt werden. Und nun wollte ich wissen wie viel die Krankenkasse (mit Bonusheft und 12 Stempeln, aus den letzten 10 Jahren) bei einer Vollkeramik brücke übernimmt?

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10 months ago

The health insurance pays 50 percent and for the 10 years, if you were really once every year, the number of stamps does not matter, it must not be an annualLücke, again 30 percent.

However, only on the absolute basic supply and even that is not really available at the price. The sickness insurance fund assumes this lowest price, then a fixed price grant of 50 – 80 percent of the fixed price of the sickness insurance fund is obtained.

You pay all the extras like ceramics. The dentist can tell you exactly what it costs and what the health insurance will pay. Implants etc. does not pay them at all.

10 months ago

Some pay up to 50%, some up to 60%. The extent to which it will become accurate is the result of the submission of the medical and cost plan of the dentist.

10 months ago

That – and all the other questions – you can answer your ZAHNARZT