Wie viel würde das Tattoo ungefähr kosten?
Hallo zusammen, ich bin im Bereich Tattoos noch relativ neu und würde gerne mal wissen ob mir jemand, der sich ein bisschen damit auskennt, sagen kann was das Tattoo ungefähr kosten würde (bei einem guten Tätowierer) ich freue mich über nette Antworten 🙂
This is very difficult to estimate, each tattoo maker at least his own prices. But you’ll have to count on a few hundred.
Go with the picture to the tattooer you’re interested in and ask how much that would cost.
Many are now even accessible via Instagram or the like.
Just show the picture and ask.
If you have to pay 120 Euros and that would cost about 800…..upward there is no end^^^
A good tattoo does not stumble 1:1 after what a colleague made
Which tattooer needs 6 + hours?
My tattooer would require an estimated €400-600 for this, but the prize sets each tattooer and every tattooer himself. The best way to find an artist from his/her work you like and send him/her the picture and ask how much that would cost about the kind and size.