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Bitte abstimmen, gerne mit kurzer Begründung.
Feiert ihr in der schule/arbeit fasching?
Hey zusammen, frage steht ja oben und wenn ihr das feiert habt ihr dann ein moto oder so und als was verkleidet ihr euch? Wir haben in der schule ein klassenmoto und wir feiern das auch in der schuke (morgen kein unterricht). Ujser moto ist minnie/miki mouse. freue mich über antworten LG Tete
For Böller about 60-70€, but there are among others Funke Honey Badger, China Böller D and Super Böller 2, which is the finest product that goes a little more into the money.
Overall (with batteries, rockets etc.) it will be about 300€.
For Böller maybe 50€
For fireworks as a whole probably around 900€
Perhaps even a little more or less depending on how interesting the range of discounters and retailers is at the end of the year.
I didn’t spend anything on Böller.
0 Euro and 0 cents, to the comma station(s) exactly 0. 🤷
Year by year.
I spend 40-50 euros each year
For Böller even nix. Originally, this year I wanted to dispense with fireworks as I have run various construction projects in my garden this and next year, which are very rich. But when my boss opened up to me that I get 600,- premium with my December salary, I now also know how much money I will spend on rockets and batteries. Somewhere the premium must go.
I will not buy badges, rockets or the like and instead donate the money to an animal shelter nearby 😊
This brings me more joy personally, and I’ll watch some fireworks on TV 😊
Why are there no more people with this great attitude??
Thank you and LG.
Thank you very much PicaPica 🙂
Here and there they are, and perhaps we will be even more 🙂
Thank you, LG.
Have also a pleasant evening and a good night 😊
What is it so beautiful, divided joy…. ́
Have a nice evening and a good night, LG. :-))
Thank you for your good words that are certainly honest and do well 😊
I’m sorry if this is the case and in this background, your compliment is even more beautiful, LG. 🙂
Oh, I don’t mean, sorry if it came over like that.
Personally, I’m just getting a little informed what seems to be a little honest. 😊
Thank you, do you think that what others write is not real and/or honest? LG.
Then I look forward to having someone set up and the whole thing seems to be honest and real.
Hope dies last.
Have a nice evening, LG.
But find that very building. 😀
I’ll burn a 100€ bill at 24:00.
If you can give it to me, you have no ashes
But you got her, right?
Do you also eat money bills instead of going to eat well? Or do you send money to other countries instead of making vacation there?
I don’t understand why Deutsche Bahn has money problems, I see gravel everywhere!
Ne, then have a lot of new things 🤣
I’ve never spent money on Böller.
No cents – Infantiler Quatsch.
as much as every year: 0,- €.
I think everything else is stupid.
I’ve been looking through this hair and I’ve come to exactly 0 cents. In the last few decades I have even adapted my expenditure to current inflation.
Hi 🙋
but I’m going to buy a bit of feeling. And Böllern is very horny!
greeting Albert
Don’t spend money on it. Don’t be a bad guy.
For years, nothing. And the trend is now generally in this direction.
Just as much as the years before.
0,00 €
Nothing. Watch the others
Of course nothing. I find it cynical to roam in these times of war when people are torn out of sleep daily with life-threatening “bumbers” (= rockets and bombs) and have to go to bunkers to save their lives.
Sure, we can’t do anything for the wars. But would the money not be better if you help the really needy people in the war areas or even here in front of our front door (e.g. homeless) with donations to alleviate their need, instead of listening to the few seconds of sound and looking at the colors in the air?
Everyone can of course spend his money on what he wants. I just want to encourage one or the other to think.
How should fireworks and donations be excluded? You can both.
Yeah, you can. But without fireworks, the donation could be higher.
Fireworks and war nothing to do with each other. Fireworks enchants beautiful effects in the sky and ensures beautiful moments and joy in countless people, you cannot compare it with destructive weapons. The only thing that is cynical is this absurd comparison.
Of course you can have a different opinion. I just wanted to encourage reflection, as it is in my answer.
And of course, you can always find excuses, apologies and justifications for customs and your own behaviour.
I also wrote that everyone has to decide how to spend his money.
It would be helpful if you read answers carefully so you can understand them!
Again: I just wanted to make a sense of thinking, no more, and I repeat: everyone should spend their money as he wants. This is in my answer!
If you have a passion for it, it’s much more than that. It’s probably hard to understand if you don’t feel this passion yourself.
But consider how many beautiful things are only temporary. There, too, as a rule no one presents such comparisons.
Yes, but Böllerei is literally powdering. But no matter how I wrote, everyone has to decide for themselves.
Sure, but that also applies to any other consumer goods. I could theoretically dispense with everything possible and donate even more.
Exact 0 cents
About 600€
This year nothing. It’s a waste of money and I need money for more important things. I probably won’t celebrate New Year’s at all. The lettuce felt yesterday.
Lg Ichliebemich505
Not a single cent.
Like every year, not a single cent.
Exactly 0,00 €
My money is too bad for that.
Nothing, it’s got big surprise candles from last year. I don’t need more
No single cent
0 Euro – as every year
0.0 Euro – as every year
As every year: nix! 🙂