Wie viel Watte (100 Prozent Polyester) und wie viele m LED Streifen für 15 Quadratmeter Wolkendecke?

Moin Leute, wie viel Watte und wie viele m LED Streifen brauche ich für eine 15 Quadratmeter Wolkendecke?

Danke im Voraus

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2 years ago

In no case cotton!

Wad is combustible and if you have larger amounts of it on the ceiling, this is a not inconsiderable fire load, if that’s why it ignites, no one comes out alive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tim2901

Not better.

Polyester fibers are combustible. Brand class B1; flame retardant.

This means it needs to ignite larger heat source. Polyester melts when it becomes hot and forms drops that are removed by gravity from the ignition source. Since the melting temperature is below the ignition temperature, the polyester normally does not burn. But if the stuff is used as a ceiling covering and the flames beat from below, the drops fall into the flame and then ignite. In the end, the whole ceiling burns quite fast. It is particularly picant that the polyester dripping from the ceiling.

1 year ago

What can you do to achieve this so-called Cloud Ceiling look?

1 year ago

I don’t know it myself but if you’ve already built it you can say how much you’ve spent

With Kind regards

2 years ago

You need a calculator