Wie viel Watt wird benötigt?
Ich hole mir demnächst ein PC mit diesen Specs. Ist eine 1000W PSU nötig oder sollte ich mehr/weniger Watt mir kaufen?
Ich hole mir demnächst ein PC mit diesen Specs. Ist eine 1000W PSU nötig oder sollte ich mehr/weniger Watt mir kaufen?
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1,000 watts – 1,500 watts should be enough.
So should I stay at 1000 or go to 1200?
Better 1,200 watts. I always expect some buffer, and on the other hand I also think about the respective usage load
Anyone who has only approach whites a little idea knows this is 1000 watts loosely enough and thus has more than enough buffers.
The Graka has a maximum power utilization of 355Watt, and for this the Graka must also be fully loaded in the stop.
In the best case she doesn’t even need 250watts and in the Idle (videos look etc.) not even 100 watts.
The PCI slot is always ~75watt in the hit for the Graka.
The CPU consumes Max 120 Watt if you are not overclocked etc.
The rest of the hardware is a joke.
If you calculate the MAX wattage together you will see that you actually get loose with a 750Watt power supply.
And that’s just the Piek.
A 550watt power supply will therefore reach its limits in the worst case.
Thus, a 750 watt net part is completely sufficient.
I have only a 5800X3D and a 3090 and I don’t even get to 400Watt in the Piek Power.
It is also because I have CPU and Graka subvolt.
1000W. Then you’ll be safe for the next two years.