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You don’t get it. It must be granted to you.
The patient account transfer can be cancelled at any time.
Otherwise you got the answer from your colleague.
But I didn’t follow him.
Okay, well. But what I want to tell you is that dispocredits are among the most expensive credits ever. If you somehow have the opportunity to look for an alternative or to quote dispo loans.
2000 x 0.144 = Your additional load per year ÷ 12 = per month
Let’s split it, then it’ll be easier.
“Percent” means: From hundreds – per cent
If there is 14.4%, there are 14.4 parts of 100 to pay: so €14.4.
But you want a loan that is not 100 euros, but 2000 euros. It’s twenty times as much. So you just have to multiply €14.4 with €20 and then you have the result, namely €288.
It speaks the computing machine …🤗🤑
In the beginning, I thought it was one of the countless lazypozes that made his homework come true. When viewing the profile, I actually see a help position.
At least 288,00 € per year; however, the provider retains other ‘variable’ interest rates by contract law (the existing contract’). You don’t use the loan in due time ; schwups ..further interest rate club …🤕😟
14.4% – is there, that is 288 €.