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1 year ago

There are also other costs for the pay, and there you will be about. 30 € per hour must be billed so that it is calculated.

1 year ago

In general, it is not possible to answer this question because it depends heavily on the sector in which this happens and with what professional qualification the hire workers are waiting for. But the so-called “calculation rate” is at least twice, in some areas it is also significantly higher. In the example you mentioned, you can assume that the rate is about 30 euros.

However, it is not that all can be booked under profit, because the loan company naturally has its personnel costs, building/office costs etc.

1 year ago

At least as the wage costs apply to each employer.

If you have 14,-€ gross wage per hour, it costs the employer about 28,- to 30,-€ per hour. Whether it’s time work or not.

The profit margin is quite small.

1 year ago

A friend of mine worked as an educator for some time at a temporary work company and she earned 23€ in the hour and the customer had to pay 50€ for her.

That’s why she never had to do overtime because it was too expensive for the kita.