Wie viel Unterhalt kann ich von meinem Eltern nehmen?
Meine Eltern sind unterhaltspflichtig mir gegenüber.
Mein Vater gibt mir aber nichts. Ich denke er ist arm und braucht das Geld selber. Unterhalt vom Staat zu holen ist mir bürokratisch sehr mühselig, insbesondere weil mein Vater nicht gut Deutsch kann. Ich kann außerdem meinen Vater überhaupt nicht leiden.
Meine Mutter meint immer “sparen” und dass wir nicht viel Geld haben. Sie bekommt auch kein Geld von meinen Vater. Sie hat sich entschieden deswegen nicht zu klagen, weil sie einfach keinen Kontakt mehr mit meinem Vater haben möchte. (Klappt leider nicht gut, weil unser Vater trotzdem oft einfach ungefragt bei uns vorbeikommt und um Hilfe bittet).
Meine Eltern sind schon sehr lange geschieden.
Naja, das war es zur Vorgeschichte.
Wie viel Geld steht mir eigentlich von dieser “Unterhaltspflicht” seitens meiner Mutter zu?
Ich nehme mir immer nur Geld für das Nötigste, kaufe mir Brot, Nudeln, Wurst, Käse und versuche so günstig wie möglich zu kaufen.
Ich trage seit Jahren immer die gleichen Klamotten und fühle mich schlecht, wenn ich mal höhere Summen nehme, z.B. um mir mal z.B. Bücher, Kleidung, Friseur zu gönnen. Bei höheren Summen frage ich auch immer zuerst, meistens ist es dann auch okay.
Ich arbeite nebenbei bei einem Minijob, aber nur bei Abruf. Ich mache nebenbei etwas, was Vollzeit ist und man da kein Geld verdient. (wie Schule)
Ich kann überleben, mal Spaß draußen haben ist mir kostspielig. Wenn ich mich mit Gleichaltrigen vergleiche, bin ich oft neidisch, wie sie viele “teure Sachen” oder eigentlich selbstverständliche Sachen von Eltern bezahlt bekommen. (natürlich verdienen die auch ihr Geld irgendwann selber).
Okay, also jetzt zur eigentlich Frage:
Wie viel Geld darf ich von meiner Mom theoretisch pro Monat nehmen? Steht mir ein Teil des Kindergelds zu? Wie viel?
You’re a minor? Then your father is obligated to live with you. If he is not capable of performance, your mother may apply for support. If she doesn’t, even though the conditions are fulfilled, that’s her problem. She is responsible for the maintenance and if otherwise no money “flows” for you, then also for the maintenance in the form of food and logistics. You don’t mind cash. She can give you pocket money, but it doesn’t have to.
If you are full-year, your claims are directed against BEIDE parental parts. What you have to get is calculated, as well as who can pay.
But also here: your mother has the so-called right of destination and can offer you the maintenance as a food and logistics. The child’s money is to cover your needs. At least a part of it. There’s nothing like cash for you, too.
What does that mean? You’re in training? School training, maybe? Then you are free to apply for BAföG. BAföG will also be counted on your needs. What your mother wants for food and logistics is one thing between you. Otherwise, if you’re full-year, you’re free to take it. Only your parents don’t have to finance that. But then, if they don’t pay maintenance at least the amount of the child’s money, you can have the child’s money diverted to you.
And you still have a minijob. It is necessary to see if at least some of them are also counted on the maintenance.
Nothing. You live there.
In total it is spent for you, for food, drinking, living, electricity, heating etc. Children’s money is not a pocket money.
Hello, thank you for your answer
I think my mother’s never gotten a living from the father when I was a minor. So she didn’t do anything.
Yeah, I’m all year round. How do I calculate it? (still under 25 years old)
Okay, I didn’t know that I didn’t have a child’s money.
Yeah, I’m just doing school training. I had received student bafög, now I am in the internship where I no longer go to school and have no entitlement to Bafög. In addition, it was extremely strenuous to get the student sheets application. I had to do it twice (1 times a year) and also needed a lot of data such as the father’s payroll. My father has no phone/phone where I can call (or where you can call from him at home) and I always had to go to him personally. I don’t want to do that again.
In addition, pupils were much less than citizens’ money, which is mine (and my mother is handed over). My mother already complained, and I was supposed to settle it with Jobcenter. (has brought nothing). At least I got the money transferred directly to me. (yes, a little selfish for me, but by that I could finally satisfy myself some own financial needs)
Okay, thanks for your information and detailed answer
You have to direct your maintenance claims against BEIDE parents. However, this also requires a adjusted net of 1650 euros per parent. Your mother should be out anyway. So you have to ask your father for the income documents. If you’re under 21, go to the youth office. They help with advice and action in the calculation.
If you’re over it, you’ll have to ask for it yourself or run it over a lawyer. However, if you know that your father doesn’t get anything because he deserves too little, you can save it.
BAföG is always a priority to apply anyway. So you’d go to school after the internship, you wouldn’t get around.
If you live in a community of needs with your mother, of course you have to contribute to life with your money. Among other things, the child’s money is used, which is expected in the calculation. As far as I know, now at least the mini-job is bill-free. However, as you explain it financially, you are left.
It’s always difficult with schooling if parents can’t help.
Oh, yeah, still to get out. I’ve felt like I’ve been pulling out more than seven years, but I don’t have money. There are many other problems at home. I was already recommended to take off by several professional help.
bureaucracy is very laborious, especially if you still rely on parents where you need documents and can’t get German well.
When I finish my training and get my own firm salary, I try to get out as well and quickly as possible.
That’s true. But that’s how it is. The requests are complicated and if you can still run after your parents, it’s annoying. So, if you have to apply for BAföG again, you know nothing to get with the parents, then it would be easier if your father didn’t even cooperate and you can make an application for advancement. You get your money, you don’t have to pay it back, and the office gets angry with the parents.
I wish you a successful completion of your training and for the future all the best!
I honestly also considered doing this, but I decided against it because…
I really don’t want to have any more contact with my father. That’s probably what my father is looking for.
Besides, the guy is probably already lost without a job center question. That would give him additional problems and I don’t want to.
In the end, I have to deal with it because Jobcenter evtl. turn to me again. I’ll just shift problems theoretically back.
I’ve finished my training too soon, so it’s not worth the effort and stress anymore.
Thank you for your very helpful comments and efforts to help me. (You definitely get a star on this answer 🌠)
In the Düsseldorf table, you can (as an orientation) see how much support you have: you need to know what revenue your parents have. You add this and then check in the corresponding column:
Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf: New Düsseldorfer table from 2023 (nrw.de)
This applies if you have your own apartment. If you live with a parent, a part is provided as a natural entertainment (cost of living).
You write that your father doesn’t have much money. Maybe it’s just about pocket money.
I think it’s good that you’re trying to get your own income.
Just taking money from your mother is not okay. Sit together and discuss how much you want, what she can give and what you can do to fund the rest.
Thank you.
Very welcome
Theoretically, you should be practically ashamed… You don’t have money from your mother, except for money. Child money is meant for your maintenance. Rent, electricity, water, clothes. This is supposed to relieve parents, not fill your bag.
Thinking whether the woman who tries to make everything possible can still make a living…no more words
Zero helpful and extremely condemning. You have no idea how I’m psychic and how the situation looks completely. Watch what you say.
I already use my money from my mini-job for joint household purchase and not just for personal needs.
Besides, I’ll help my mother with many things.
In addition, according to the law, my parents are dependent on me, i.e. not only rent, etc. At least you’d have to give me some money for food and stuff.
It also has a reason why I do not yet have a claim to my own money (civil money) from the job center, but my mother has to put the citizen money application for me because I am not 25 years old. That’s where I’m still part of their needs group.
If you are full-year AND still in training, BEIDE parents would be obliged to stay bar. They should also disclose their income relationships to BEIDE. Then your evtl will also be directed. Claim.
Of course, your own income will be charged with your claim.